Lemmy shouldn’t have avatars, banners, or bios

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Aa!@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldAny LinkedIn alternatives?
    16 days ago

    I have such bad things to say about recruiters. They generally don’t have a clue about any of the skills related to the jobs I’m after, and they take a huge cut of the pay the entire time I’m working the job.

    On the other hand, the two best jobs (highest pay and best working environment) I’ve had in my career, I got through recruiters, so I acknowledge them as a useful business when it works out. The last one has led to the company buying my contract and hiring me directly for the past 12 years

  • Aa!@lemmy.worldtoRisa@startrek.websiteTNG v DS9
    27 days ago

    I’m not saying fan theories aren’t allowed, I just said I’m not a fan of it.

    I would hardly call their outings “secret” when it involves Kira getting into costume and walking clear across the promenade before deciding the holosuite isn’t for her. I just didn’t interpret any of the details as “hints they were dating” when the simpler “friends going out to do something fun” was not only on the table, it was clearly the intention of the scene.

    For the record, I didn’t see Garak and Julian as dating either. Sure, Garak may have been trying, but Julian was more enamored with the spy scenario and intrigue than Garak himself as a potential partner

  • Aa!@lemmy.worldtoRisa@startrek.websiteTNG v DS9
    27 days ago

    Honestly, I’m not the biggest fan of the tendency to interpret platonic relationships as sexual ones. I do get the desire for more representation, but I just wish the community wasn’t so willing to ignore regular old platonic friendships.

    I’m sure that comes mostly from me as a guy who puts more emphasis on strong platonic bonds than sexual relationships. But I just don’t see Julian and O’Brien’s “bromance” as a boyfriend relationship, nor did I see Kira and Jadzia’s as dating either.

  • Aa!@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldHacker News feed
    2 months ago

    Yes, if you want to see Hackernews posts, get them from Hackernews yourself. Reposting to Lemmy just adds more posts with zero engagement that new users will see and be put off of the site for

    Several months ago we had three different instances with their own Hackernews communities and their own repost bots posting the exact same things, with zero discussion.

    Lemmy needs more actual discussion, and fewer bots adding noise to the feed.

  • My experience says a lot of these people bought into the “fake news” narrative, where they conveniently don’t believe anything presented to them, no matter how digestible – unless it reinforces things they already believe.

    My mother goes on about how “science” can be used to prove anything, and “science” gets it wrong so often, so she won’t believe anything she reads. While turning around and saying she found out Planned Parenthood is harvesting and selling baby parts, which is why they want mass abortions across the US

  • A lot of people talk about the decentralization being a barrier of entry, but I don’t think it is.

    Generally speaking, your average social media user won’t care about that one way or the other. You tell them an instance to look at, they will check it out.

    Where I think it goes wrong is the general Lemmy attitude of curating your own feed. Your average Lemmy user will say the best part is that you just block the communities and instances that you don’t want to see.

    Your average social media user on the other hand, doesn’t want to spend an hour or a month blocking people and communities to make the site useable. Most folks will come in, see a feed full of tech bros, repost bots with zero discussion, 30 different fetish porn communities, Star Trek memes, and bottom of the barrel shitposts, and they’ll just leave.

    The only way I see Lemmy overcoming this is for instance admins to heavily curate the default experience so the feed is friendlier to new users. This would likely require some more tools in place to allow for this, possibly even a default block list that users can customize after they are already drawn in

    Also the sorting could be better.

  • Aa!@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlI hate that guy
    2 months ago

    I say we lose the entire Crowder meme format. The “change my mind” bit was from one of his stunts, and this is just keeping it alive longer

    There’s still many other meme formats that send the same message, we don’t need to sully Calvin’s image by associating it with a Crowder stunt

  • I’m a programmer, which is in a pretty bad spot if you’re looking for work right now.

    I was laid off in January and had to start looking again. While it’s important to be able to demonstrate your skills, the only way I got an interview for my new job was by being referred by an old colleague. Turns out maintaining relationships with people who can vouch for your work is a very big part of the process.

  • I struggle to understand the people who are angry about this one. I’m not saying it’s a good business move, but it’s not like it hurts the general population

    With fast food, you’re already paying a premium to get prepared food on demand. The people who can’t or don’t want to afford it can avoid the premium pricing by planning ahead and packing lunches from home.

    This is basic supply and demand economics at this point. If prices go up, demand will go down as people move to other restaurants that are cheaper, or stick with groceries.

    Now if it was a grocery store doing this, I would feel differently. But fast food is not a basic human need.