The oil barons are smarter, they’ve been at this a lot longer.
The oil barons are smarter, they’ve been at this a lot longer.
Don’t give them power over you.
There is no mainstream liberal media. It doesn’t exist and never did, only Republican propaganda.
Donald Trump is Nicolas Cage in a wig and orange makeup, confirmed.
Me when the only thing I eat all day is weed and cheese.
Looks too young
The California DMV requires you to renew your vehicle registration every year by paying with a bank account number (no card) which is like a 30ish digit number and they disable paste. If you get it wrong they won’t notify you in any way until you get pulled over by a cop who is one bad sneeze away from murdering you. It’s a great system.
Your instance probably filters them from you.
But they’re all too scared to visit DC because the propaganda has told them they’re 100% guaranteed to get mugged by a queer black person.
How can people forget well documented history that is less than100 years old‽
Well yea, the clowns aren’t in charge yet. It won’t survive defaulting on our debt and systematically alienating all our allies.
I don’t even know what you’re talking about.
*was a world currency
After you
This needs to be pinned at the top: only a Nazi goes out of their way to put an 88 in their username. He thinks he’s clever by putting it in binary so people don’t immediately call him out. Nazis get off on that kind of “clever” dogwhistle.
How do you explain the 88 in his username? That’s not an American thing.
You honestly think that’s what he was going for? Someone who grew up in a culture pretty heavily insulated from that but steeped in “former” Nazi ties?
No he had plenty of time to educate himself but instead doubled and tripled down. Also his username ends in 88 which has been the most unsubtle Nazi dog whistle since the invention of usernames and the internet.
This discussion existed before computers. Before that it was TV and before that it was radio. The core problem is ads. They ruined the internet, TV, radio, the press. Probably stone tablets somehow. Fuck ads.