Why do you think defederation is overrated? Genuine curiosity.
Why do you think defederation is overrated? Genuine curiosity.
Will look on it too, heard about it back in 2023 but never tried it.
I tried it but I have one beef with it: once logged in, my subscribed communities are no longer appearing and i have to resubbscribe to all of them. I did it once on phtn and wouldn’t want to do it all over again as I’m hopping around lemmy apps.
I think this is where lemmy/fediverse shines compared to reddit: you can have instances for niche things, yet be able to communicate with other instances. And each instance is free to have their own rules and (de)federate with others. Also the improved tools for searching/posting/modding of lemmy compared with old forums.
This one looks sleak af.
Well because US is exactly shaped for the employee to be a modern slave: no social security net in case you are jobless so you have to get rolled over by the boss. Breaking point for most isn’t the morality of the company but when they are endangered or can’t provide for their families…
Currently using phtn.app for browsing lemmy, though it’s a bit buggy on mobile. V2 will be coming soon so hopefully most bugs will be fixed.
What y’all using?
Yeah, 1 bill with all the bots and alt accounts maybe.
The problem with (very) low user count is the more nieche things will not have activity.
I read the article diagonally but didn’t struck me as particularly insightful. I can understand the “too many cooks” thing as it can be daunting to start the journey in the fediverse, but the child abuse part is dumb at best: if a given instance does illegal shit it should be dealt with by the authorities and de-federated by other instances. Do the authors know that harmful material exists on all the mainstream social medias? Like beheadings on instagram, porn on youtube, mass disinformation and manipulation on TT and facebook.
I’m in the same boat, my apple watch collects dust in the drawer. My next watch is going to be a classic one.
Please tax and regulate the fuck about US big tech.
I thought so, but at least in Voyagger iOS after I logged in I had no subscriptions. I didn’t bother to double check for now as I’m quite happy with phtn.