A sign of the times

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Blake@monero.towntoMonero@monero.townWARNING: Reto-Haveno
    22 days ago

    I regularly run Haveno Reto, it’s max userbase is 10 but the average is about 8 online at any one time.

    I don’t think that it’s a honeypot as it doesn’t make sense. The author argues that the main vulnerability is the manipulation of node selection - but users are free to self-host nodes and use any node, it’s not baked into the program. Anyone can set up a ‘malicious’’ Monero node anyhow. As others have mentioned it seems like the kid who wrote the diss track doesn’t really know what’s going on (was it Majestic?). Lastly, they end by saying they are a competitor - but they just stopped their work on a localmonero clone - and are leaving the community forever - but please share this post around. Something smells off. But we have to take each anonymous opinion semi-seriously in the internet apparently.

    Besides all that, Haveno’s not used very much (yet?). There are a few trades offered but none in my jurisdiction. Perhaps this will grow with time, but as yet we aren’t seeing ‘mass adoption’ despite delisting and shutdowns of other p2p exchanges.

    I’m more up for posting crypto > XMR trades but it’s not quite clear to me how ‘Instant’ crypto trades are settled, and there was a recent warning about unfulfilled instant crypto-xmr trades being punished. It would be nice to just post up liquidity with a small margin and have it be able to autocomplete trades whilst afk. A boy can dream!

    If I were to make the case against Haveno it would be thus:

    1. There is no account reputation, like localmonero, to identify users who have regularly fulfilled contracts and are more trustworthy.

    1.a. This means that I personally would want 100% backing of the deal in Haveno, which locks away someone’s xmr, an unappealing offer.

    1.b. Even then we would depend on the fair arbitration to ensure the deal was finished. Fine for crypto trades within Haveno but cash by mail trades? It took localmonero/agora a long time to establish its reputation, and it is a tough job to arbitrate even with 2 benign actors.

    1. I have not seen enough evidence that the Arbitrators are fair, non-malicious actors. This is not to say they are bad actors - just there isn’t evidence either way.

    2.b. The first username I saw of an arbitrator was on the aforementioned warning notice which (no shade) wasn’t written in the best English, I suspect English as 2nd language bu. Hopefully this improves.

    1. When it was released upon the public, people talked about multiple Haveno instances in competition, muh free market. However, it quickly dwindled to one - I see this as a vulnerability. Even if the diss track’s critique is not valid, it could still be compromised in some unknown way and we wouldn’t have another instance of Haveno viable as an alternative. There was HardenedSteel but it was quickly deprecated. Does anyone know of another instance? I’d happily run both.

    tl;dr : despite being a decentralised p2p facility, Haveno Reto depends on good-faith in arbitrators and whilst it’s in beta it’s an easy target for fud.

  • must have mixed up your site with another that had online privacy guides

    sounds a bit paranoid to be fair

    once again i don’t know majestic and have no interest.

    but I know Tux is a solid guy, I trust his opinion. he’s also a busy guy - I don’t think there’s an international conspiracy paying random small-time accounts to occasionally bash the reputation of a dodgy exchange. or that the exchange is so good and unique that it attracts the ire of bigger powers, it seems very unlikely to me.

    are you pro-majestic? if so, can you make an iron man case for the exchange?

    once again, I don’t actually care about majestic but I’m interested that good info is being passed around the community - particularly at this pivotal era where exchanges are key

  • check out this episode of monerotalk


    Roman Sterlingov arrested and charged - without sufficient evidence - for using / operating a bitcoin mixer.

    Based purely on SPECULATIVE chainalysis, heuristics cannot guarantee that he was the user. However, as chainalysis is in bed with intelligence services it is their gold standard. Now there is legal precedent to admit SPURIOUS chainalysis evidence in court. As noob judges/juries don’t in2 tech they are strong armed by the state into accepting it.

    Therefore anyone who holds a tainted bitcoin (or any public ledger crypto) can be tainted by that coin IN LAW and charged for any crime that utxo ever got near.

    The lawyers give a great rundown of the case here demonstrating how badly justice has failed.

    -He KYC’d BTC in 2011 on Mt Gox -His utxo’s bounced around a few wallets and ended up being used to buy the bitcoinfog domain [he is accused of buying the domain w/o proof] -He later pulled some BTC out of Bitcoinfog into KYC’d exchanges to off-ramp [he is accused of being paid by bitcoinfog for services w/o proof]

    The fact that the ghouls are harvesting data from early days (eg/ 2011) that anyone who ever KYC’d anywhere can be linked by chainalysis with a crime. Hence a cooling effect on crypto writ large.

  • Hey, this is a great idea.

    I’ve been brainstorming how to create a political betting site using Monero - would Sigmanero ecosystem be easily adaptable to politcal events (eg/ elections) as well as sporting bets?

    For me the main point of influence is the ‘oracle’ - who decides that the event is over and what the result is. If the lakers win 20-5 then it’s easy but if there’s extra time or the game is abandoned then the oracle becomes arbiter. Likewise in an election if the result is unclear or disputed then it is hard to definitively say who won within a given time frame.

    At no point in time will Sigmanero have controls of funds

    If Sigmanero is the oracle in this scenario - the could falsely declare that the Celtics won and could thereby designate funds (along with the losing bet-signer who wouldn’t mind winning some xmr). Therefore there is still a corruptible element.

    Whilst I agree that for small amounts there isn’t a temptation to cheat - that argument doesn’t scale. Many betting facilities in crypto gain traction due to their ease of use - and in XMR it could get big too as it’s private. Then we can envision a superbowl-tier event where there are big bets going down and the temptation and facility to rugpull is there. I’m not doubting you / Sigmanero’s character just the game theory. As I say I’m keen to see your project work.

    Sidenote: Does Sigmanero take donations? Or is it voluntarily hosted? The funding question helps users understand the motives behind the project. I would donate but be suspicious of a ‘free’ betting website.