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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2023


  • A loss in coal jobs doesn’t mean a loss everywhere in the energy sector.

    When we are looking at Appalachia, their descent into what could almost be described as fifth world or failed world alignment isn’t necessarily because of technological advancement but of cultural stagnation.

    From the 1880s to the 1920s the rednecks were imprisoned and murdered while the hicks consolidated power.

    The jobs are still there nationwide, just mostly in the places that still have educated workforces. A large reason why coal country is hanging onto coal instead of supporting those retraining programs that will allow them entry into the markets that historically red places like Arizona and Montana are getting in on is that the inhabitants of those States didn’t murder their intelligent people at the behest of business.

  • This isn’t a resurfaced interview though, the full audio containing the unpublished material was released. I believe the text has been online for about a decade at least though.

    Is Robin actually Banksy is no longer even the interesting question. It’s why the art world has pretended this is some great mystery for about 20 years now.

    There is no one person we can ever point to and say without fail they were at these events on these dates where Robert Del Naja or Damien Albarn performed. But clearly the art world is aware that Del Naja and Albarn are the ones funding the creative operation of Banker, which is why every article will make sure to mention one or the other as a wink but never actually pull on that thread. Pretending there is some great unsolveable mystery is probably the only legitimate money fine arts based media congloms are making. It would be a shame to lose that.

    Edit: I apologize for the spelling mistakes.