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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Those aren’t really FOMO in my opinion, more like being curious about what the praise was about. It’s trying new stuff, and rather healthy I’d say, even if you realize some of those really weren’t for you in the end. Yeah, I had quite a few of those too.

    To me, FOMO would be anxiety about stuff that you really can miss “forever” and regret afterwhile.

    In games, it’s weaponized with artificially limited stuff because whoever is pulling the string wants you to fear a missed opportunity and make an impulse decision.

    It’s stuff like preorder “bonuses” you will never have another chance to get otherwise, time-limited content, battlepasses, daily rewards etc.

    One of the most pathetic recent example I can think of being Nintendo making the translation of a 1990 Famicom game available only for a couple months. “Quick, buy Fire Emblem now, before it disappears forever!!!”

  • 😁 Sorry not sorry!

    Nah, I wouldn’t even wish it gone, really. I just couldn’t care even a bit about anything they had to show that day.

    BG&E was that charming single-player adventure game, with quirky and lovable characters and a tiny handcrafted universe. And with a non-ending that begged for a direct sequel.

    What they showed in that E3 preview was yet another freaking Ubisoft open-world. It was supposed to be planet-level huge, because of course it was powered by boring procedural bullshit. It was always online, multi-player oriented, and “if you really want it, you could play it alone, but why would you?”

    Oh, and it was a prequel with different characters, because fuck your closure I guess.

  • Long ago I watched the anime based on Tales of Eternia (the Namco “Tales of” game that was also called Tales of Destiny 2 in the US for no good reason, it’s not a sequel).

    The anime is awkwardly shoehorned in a very specific and inconsequential part of the game (like, one that would last about 2 minutes). Nothing meaningful really happens in the series. Because of the way it’s framed, I also estimate its entertainment value for someone who didn’t play the game at basically zero.

    Oh yeah, there’s a freaking swimming contest out of nowhere at one point. Women only of course. I’m sure it had nothing to do with having female characters in swimsuits for a while.

    That certainly was one of the anime series of all time.

  • It’s understandable 😁, Morrowind is definitely when the series started to get more mainstream audience, and the older ones are not talked about a lot. I had never even heard of them before trying Morrowind, I rediscovered them later mainly because I can’t let a game drop a “3” on me without wondering what came before.

    Doesn’t help that there was a big design shift between Daggerfall and Morrowind (more than anything between TES 3-4-5), and they’re very different games.

    Daggerfall did have a bit of modding though. Most quests were procedurally generated using quest templates, like “[type of NPC] sends you to [type of dungeon] to find [McGuffin] for [reward]”. I remember a mod that added lots of new quest types for more diversity.

  • Hey they’ve got the playdate in there!

    Their comparison to the old school Gameboy screen is a bit ridiculous honestly. Sure it’s not backlit, but it doesn’t need to be, if there is any kind of light, you can really see perfectly.

    I had a Gameboy and an OG GBA, I know what it’s like to desperately look for the right angle/lighting/contrast slider position to try and make sense of what the hell was on screen. Some games with poor contrast like Donkey Kong Land were torture.

  • I am not sure how one gets that far into an analysis of RPGs, J or otherwise, without even once mentioning characters, stories or themes.

    Those games have never really been about mechanics to me. Sure, since they’re usually so long, they’d better try to keep things entertaining enough, but there’s a lot more to them (good ones, anyway).

    I honestly don’t care much about the J, and even “RPG” seems so broad to me, because many, many games have blurred the line. Starting around end of the 90s when “RPG elements” became a thing. I don’t think it matters much.

  • Wait, what? I really can’t understand why they’d port it without touch input.

    Even weirder is that Grindstone, another Capy game, has touch control on Switch. I guess someone else might have done the Clash of Heroes port.

    I had the game on DS too, really liked it. I tried the android port that already had the enhanced visuals, but because of the weird orientation choice it was almost impossible to play on a phone screen, units were way too small for capacitive input. I’m sure on a larger screen it would have been no problem.

  • That’s a bit funny, I remember a time when original Splatoon got its first test event (before release) on the Wii U and there was a lot of people raging about the “terrible” motion controls that didn’t let them use sticks like a normal game.

    Really, complaints everywhere for days, claims that the game was ruined before even releasing, memes about Nintendo and their love of motion controls…

    A few people started to comment saying “wait, it’s nice, actually it kinda works” but they were still mostly drowned in the outrage.

    All of that disappeared very fast once the game was released, and it became one of the few Wii U games to get some attention.

  • brsrklf@compuverse.uktoNintendo@lemmy.worldProtip:
    1 year ago

    Depends on how low you want it to drop.

    On the EU e-shop (seems to be similar for the US one) Breath of the Wild has regular 30% discounts starting about one year after release. It’s been 6 years, it never went lower, and probably never will.

    Same for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. It’s been almost 10 years since the original release of Mario Kart 8, and eshop sales never go under 30%.

    Nintendo is known for keeping their games mostly full price. The only games that get big sales are the ones that didn’t perform as well as they wanted, and even that is becoming rare.