/u/clay_pigeon on Reddit

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • It’s meaningless and unfunny.

    Sysiphus is cursed to forever till a boulder uphill.

    The Hilbert Hotel is a philosophical math idea. It has an infinite number of rooms, all full. If you another person wants a room, everyone with a room moves over one. Room 1 moves into room 2, etc. Room 1 is now empty for the new person, and the hotel again has an infinite number of rooms, all full. Just one larger infinite than before.

    The Ship of Theseus is a Greek story from Plutarch’s Lives about a ship whose parts get replaced as they wear out. The question is - is it the same ship if it has none of the same parts?

  • New to full time Linux desktop but I’ve had my crappy website running on a Raspberry Pi for like a decade. Mostly it works just fine and I barely notice it’s not Windows. I am trying hard not to pop into the Konsole every time because I know I’ll end up with a system so altered that I could never get it back the way it was.

    Everybody talks about Wayland, but when I switch on the Debian login screen it just loops back to the login after logging in. I’m sure it’s fixable but why do I need to? Everything seems to work fine on X11.

    Separately (I assume), it sometimes scrolls through the shutdown log and then just… Doesn’t. Quick search suggests I need a little script to disconnect some devices when shutting down. I’ll get to it eventually.

    I also ended up with two copies of discord in my application menu somehow but only one in the installed apps menu. I’m guessing one is a flatpack or appimage or something. I might just remove everything related to discord and start over.

    When I partitioned originally, I followed advice saying 30gb was enough for / since I have a separate /home , but a couple months in and it’s complaining it’s full. Oh well. Had to boot into a live image to resize the LVM because you can’t unmount/ of course, but still it was slightly annoying. The kde partition editor didn’t give me an error like “you need to unmount this first, idiot”, it let me enter a new size but when I hit ok it just ignored my input. It was keeping me safe, I’m sure, but an explanation message would have been nice.