dialectical_analysis_of_gock [she/her]

wrote a dissertation on “the mouth-feel”

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023


  • You can actually do some really cool low-magic / low-power games with Burning Wheel there is a pretty good let’s play channel (can’t recall the name, think it’s Patronage) that uses Burning Wheel to explore the players as artisans in a Renaissance analog.

    From what I understand, a big difference of BW compared to a lot of fantasy is that it is fantastic at character forward play, with the game looking like a series of vignettes with each character as opposed to a singular scene of the adventuring party. Which can be great when you want to do a political intrigue a la GoT where one player is a magically inclined daughter of a farmer, one player is the bastard son of the corrupt and ailing king, and the third is a veteran captain of the guard to the king. With BW, you can have each character’s Beliefs / Instincts help guide the game towards the ascent of the bastard to the throne, but for a good chunk of the game each player’s “scenes” may not connect the other players. Some good advice I’ve seen on this is to have the players whose characters are not in the scene actually RP the NPCs, which I’ve yet to do but sounds great in theory.

  • There is a ttrpg youtuber that did a video on Harnmaster mentioning he uses the Ars Magica magic system in that game which sounds like an absolute delight. Me, Myself & Die is the channel name. I love crunchy systems (I’ve been gamemastering Shadowrun since 3rd edition) and I’ve wanted to get into a fantasy crunchy system but stars have not aligned … yet. I’ve played and ran PF2e a lot and while the three action economy is fantastic and the world-building is delightful (Golarian’s kingdomds of Geb & Nex are so unique) I really don’t care for Vancian magic or class systems.

  • Stalin for example was a mass murderer just like Hitler. So why would anybody like him?

    Here is a mainstream Jewish holocaust survivor saying equating the communists and fascists is holocaust trivialization.

    You have compared communists and fascists, thus trivializing the Holocaust.

    Are you referring to famines caused by the Kulaks destroying grain exacerbating a natural famine cycle, something that was somewhat common before the modern era. If you are, would you also say that every death caused by starvation due to poverty in capitalist countries should count towards the leader’s “death count”?