• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • My supervisor is kind of a bitch to everyone sometimes for no apparent reason tbh and so I just try to stay out of her way. I’m definitely not going to go out of my way to ask her for “pointers”. She has a tendency to do that to people anyway, even if the things she points out to others aren’t even necessarily helpful.

    I mean, I show up to work every day and stay for the duration of my shift. I don’t take excessively long breaks and am basically at my workstation all day. So no one has any complaints about me.

    But objectively I see it. It’s a speed issue, which is not something I am able to get any faster at after doing this for years and years. It’s not impostor syndrome, it’s objective truth. For example, it might take someone 1.5 hours to do a particular task and for me it might take 2.5 hours to do it.

  • dingus@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldSPLORP!
    12 days ago

    I don’t go to natural bodies of water much. Why does it have a drowning risk?

    As someone in a warm climate, I’d be terrified of brain eating amoebas. Based on the foliage in the background though I’d bet they live in a cooler climate with much less risk of that.

  • Well, I mean it’s less weird to write “golf ball-sized hail” bcause it’s a rather common way to describe the size of hail. Energy drink cans are cylindrical, so it doesn’t make immediate sense in anyone’s brain in the sentence as a comparison. I’m guessing the author couldn’t think of a common enough spherical item of the right size to compare with. Still, I think hyphens would have immediately fixed the strangeness, like the person below you commented.

  • I do totally get paying to support something you use a ton.

    But I don’t get comments like this calling blocking ads a cat and mouse game. It’s always been incredibly easy to block ads on the devices I own and I rarely ever have to mess with anything after installing a single browser extension or a single app.

    On my desktop/laptop–ublock origin. I would install this regardless of whether or not I care about YouTube ads because ads on websites in general can be pretty cancerous. So I would already have it on my device to begin with. Install one extension and forget about it. Very occasionally ads start coming through, but then the extension auto updates itself and I don’t have to worry about it. It’s effortless and I absolutely never need to mess with the settings.

    On my phone–YouTube ReVanced. Just basically download I think two APK files and you’re set. I’ve had to reinstall this a single time over the maybe decade(?) I’ve been using it as YouTube had some sort of breaking update or something. But having to install it again once every many years is hardly an inconvenience. Oh I guess I have had to install it again when I’ve gotten a new phone, but that’s really not that odd or inconvenient to me either…and generally I don’t get a new phone that often.

    On my android TV device–SmartTube Next. It’s a single APK file. Set it and forget it. I’ve never had to reinstall the app.

    One caveat with this is that it seems harder to watch YouTube ad free (without paying for premium) on Apple devices. So if you use a lot of Apple products it also makes sense.

  • dingus@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlBest Lemmy App in 2024
    1 month ago

    Jerboa went though a period time relatively early on in it’s development when it was a buggy, nearly unusable mess. It started out cool, then it shit the bed, and now I guess it’s cool again lol.

    Unfortunately I didn’t wait for it to get good again at the time and I ended up switching to wefwef, which has now been renamed Voyager. Voyager never really went though a buggy period on my end as an Android user.

  • Either that I only eat frozen meals and don’t cook. Or that I have never had any friends. Or that I’m a cis female but have a ton of excess hair in the wrong spots (esp on my chin and neck) I try to keep on top of. Or that I’ve never been in a relationship and I’m 30. So many things to choose from!

    My life is not so bad, though! The internet exists both for human connection and for entertainment. And I have a good job so I make enough to buy random crap.

  • Wait what? Are you saying that you still don’t leave your home even though it’s 2024?

    I mean, props to you I guess. I just don’t see how it makes sense to do so indefinitely unless you are seriously immunocompromised like if you’re undergoing cancer treatments or have AIDS.

    Don’t get me wrong, I utilize and love delivery services. But it’s because I’m lazy and don’t mind paying for the convenience lol.

    To be clear, I’m also not an anti vaxxer, anti masker, or lockdown denier. I have advocated for all of these things at one point or another. But I’m also able to recognize the evolving nature of a global pandemic. Your risk of severe illness or death when leaving your house now is basically back to pre pandemic levels.

  • As someone on the asexual spectrum, I feel you. I also have intense social anxiety and so those two things combined means it doesn’t make sense for me to attempt a relationship to begin with. Occasionally I get sad when listening to love songs. Because they are so ubiquitous and it makes me feel like I’m not even human sometimes because I lack these basic human feelings and experiences.