• 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 23rd, 2024


  • I think there’s some misunderstanding

    I get how IPv6 works, I got a /48 from my ISP. The problem is that I have some 15 devices here that I have to refer to in DNS and either I have to change their static IPs or I have to change their IPs in DNS if the prefix ever changes (it shouldn’t, because I pay for them to not do that). My laptop, phone and desktop do not get a static IPv6 and use the privacy extension. Is that not how you’re supposed to do it?

  • Very useful, but I don’t understand concept 1, “Don’t pick numbers”.

    If I’m right, it’s basically saying don’t do stuff manually, just let the computer do it. I kind of disagree with this. All of my fixed devices have a fixed IP that I manually assigned and derived from the original v4 schema I also have. For example 192.168.x.y becomes prefix::y

    Am I misunderstanding something?

  • Do you know where I live? That isn’t legal here. It doesn’t just need approval, it needs to be installed by the power company and they’re not going to do that because they have massive tax incentives to only install systems that backflow into the grid during overproduction. Just to be clear: You are not allowed to have a closed system with panels over a certain combined size. You are not allowed to connect anything that backflows into your walls (for safety reasons, regardless of if the thing claims to turn itself off in a power outage). If you go all in and do it properly, the power company (monopoly, you have no choice) will simply tax you what they lost or, incase of backflow, tax you ‘transmission fees’ for whatever you would have earned.

    The only people who have solar panels here are rich yuppies who want to virtue signal because it makes zero financial sense to have them. Right wing lobby groups have made sure that consumers and municipalities are disincentivized from running solar panels anywhere for any reason and illegal in any niches where it might’ve still made sense.

    e: your downvotes do nothing; this is law, not opinion