@bstix You don’t have to be rich to be an asshole, but you almost certainly have to be an asshole to get rich.
Sysadmin, Unix punk, Technolojesus, and Free Software freak
Pronoun: he/his/him;
Tillie code: 0b00111001
Bit of an SJW. Militant atheist and battle skeptic. Former Devil’s advocate. Devout Saganist.
If you are a Nazi, we can’t be friends.
Admin of mastodon.ml
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@bstix You don’t have to be rich to be an asshole, but you almost certainly have to be an asshole to get rich.
It changed my view on how true to their ideas some people are.
@jatone Every video and every model will be overly simplistic when applied to any reality. Every abstraction is a leaky abstraction.
@rocci I want this as a poll format option in the Fediverse.
@Cock_Inspecting_Asexual Things like, for example, putting ads and tracking into an operating system you paid money for?
@AFC1886VCC Technically, the guy is gonna die anyway sometime.
@TwilightKiddy I could get it with Curl, so will you.
@tilefan That’s weird, it’s not that I’m purposefully get rid of addictions, I just kinda… lose interest.
I used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. I also used to drink a lot. I don’t mind a cigarette or a beer or a shot every now and then, if the mood is right and the company is fine, but doing it every single day? Nah.
@InternetUser2012 I am Russian. Believe me when I say: most of us perfectly know what’s going on.
We’re just scared. That’s it.
@Quintus It can get annoying. It certainly is distracting.
@possiblylinux127 Windows 11 is Windows 10 with worse Start menu.
@NathanUp @bjoern_tantau Maddy mailserver rocks
@Shelbyeileen I have a pet theory, that religion is basically a hardware vulnerability exploitation. Vulnerability being “we can’t comprehend death, physically”. Because trying to reconstruct non-existence in our world model causes division by zero, and everything breaks because you can’t divide by zero and have meaningful results. So in order to avoid it, your brain bends its model of reality, starts telling itself fairy tales about the supernatural world, redefines death as “transformation”, and basically bullshits itself into avoiding facing the inevitable.
> Even if we found out complete proof for what actually happens when you die and after death
We have. Your consciousness just shuts down forever. You’re a mortician, you would know. We just can’t grapple with it.
@Aganim The original Deus Ex also. Its story was brilliant and prophetic in a lot of ways.
As an example of a game, that actually got its second chance: the original Half-Life. Black Mesa is brilliant. I wish, other old games like Unreal and Deus Ex would have got a remake like that.
@flubba86 Yeah, it’s actually fucking easier to come in and fix their printer or whatever.
@Daft_ish Facebook’s making money selling *you* on Facebook. You are the raw material.
@UltraGiGaGigantic It’s the only way to fight, though.