Australian Marmite is from New Zealand and is not quite the same as British.
Australian Marmite is from New Zealand and is not quite the same as British.
I once had someone do an emergency stop in front of me for no apparent reason in the fast lane of a not very busy motorway. I barely managed to stop in time from high speed.
I find the asymmetry of the mortar joints to be visually bothersom.
Buzz Aldrin’s defence in court:
“Your honour, that video of me punching that guy is totally staged and fake, and I was never there.”
Firefox Focus anybody?
How do you have two extra spare tyres to use?
Let’s not forget this is all driven by people with the right skillset, in the right place at the right time, who are hell-bent on making vast amounts of money.
The “visionary technological change” is a secondary justification.
Permission granted to scrape this comment too, if you like.
This is what the 3rd party access to API was really all about.
When API access was allowed , all reddit content was effectively free: They needed to ban 3rd party apps so they could sell the accumulated content. I expect using content to train AI also factors into it.
It can be helpful to see these attacks of grief over the sudden memory of now passed family, friends, and pets in a different way:
Which is how incredibly lucky you are to have had those experiences and memories in your life as opposed to not having had them at all. Which is something to be grateful for.