huf [he/him]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: November 11th, 2021


  • what on earth are you talking about, every high school had a KISZ secretary, this doesnt make orban a highly placed young communist. but, yes, he was always an ambitious man who believed in nothing. i dont know why you’re telling me this, i know.

    No, the Western system is not perfect, it has big, glaring issues,

    the western system has committed the most genocides of any power in history. it’s not even close, it’s like an order of magnitude more at least. this is the system you’re calling flawed but ultimately good.

    and bringing up china (which lifted hundreds of millions of out poverty in the last few decades alone, but sure, the leaders are only in it for money) in the same breath as modern russia… deeply unserious.

    also, is xi jinping a billionaire? source?

  • are you familiar with the concept of time? all our so called democratic opposition grew out of communist families. what else would they be? the country was communist. doesnt change the fact that they did a counterrevolution.

    also, orban a highly placed young communist? what? he was part of the “democratic” (read counterrevolutionary, liberal) opposition from early on, kept in contact with polish anticommunists, etc. or do you mean that he joined the young communist league at his high school when he was 14? highly placed indeed.

    and yes, because it was a counterrevolution at a special time in history, it wasnt visibly violent and so many of our politicians got to keep their jobs in the new system. all they had to do was betray the people, which they did. some happily, some because they believed western propaganda.

    1956 was a much more complex affair than you paint it here. some of the revolt wanted independent communism (how they imagined that’d work with the west coming for them, i have no idea). some were rabid fascists out for blood. either way, the soviets didnt trust them, likely because this is a country that was enthusiastically supporting the nazis just a few short years before. having seen where the country’s gone since the counterrevolution, i dont blame them.

  • yeah, definitely nothing to do with living standards falling in the west due decades of psychopatic neoliberal policies. deffo not what’s making mask off fascism popular again. the always thriving domestic fascist industry also has nothing to do with it.

    hungary is doing its own weird shit as usual, being fascist and trying to ride two horses at once. this isnt because of russian funding, it’s because hungary is predisposed to this type of idiocy. and also the failure of post-counterrevolution neoliberal politics.

    as for authoritarianism, that’s a funny thing to say in the middle mass arrests of people who protest a genocide that biden is actively supporting and running interference for. but i guess that’s not authoritarianism to you. out of interest, what do you think authoritarianism is?