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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I’m doing this now as I learn Unity and come back to C# after a couple decades away. It’s great for helping with syntax and reminding you of libraries, also with debugging steps as you mention. I haven’t had it full on hallucinate, but it has given me suggestions that fail to do the thing I specifically asked it for. I also went down a couple rabbit holes following its suggestions to later realize there was a much simpler answer that it didn’t tell me about. All in all, I’d still highly recommend it for my situation and OPs. If you’re able to follow the logic and point out the flaws, it’s a hell of a lot faster than googling or following tutorials.

  • Honestly, I love this, but I think the impersonator aspect cheapens it. Take clips of things he’s said and play them on a screen behind a podium across the stage from her. Have a moderator prompt the clips, have her rebuke/fact check them. Done.

    He doesn’t want to debate? Fine, we’ll have the debate without him. He’s already said what the people need to know. We just need to cut through the mountains of indecipherable bullshit he’s said while meandering around the point. Do him a favor and edit that down to his actual stance, as succinctly and clearly as possible. Don’t turn it into a joke making fun of how terrible he is at speaking, show people what he really wants to do.

  • As a game developer that has curated my mutual list of fellow developers, I’m saddened by the state of Twitter and genuinely have no alternative. A few folks have left for Threads, Mastodon, and BlueSky, but no community has coalesced on one platform. I would love to leave, but the fact is that if we want to communicate in a similar medium, we have to go where the people are. Right now, the people are still on Twitter.

  • I’m pretty staunchly anti-MAGA/Trump, but the ear bandage thing doesn’t bother me. Looking dumb is kind of the point. It’s like shaving your head when your friend goes through chemo. A shitty thing happened to them and now there’s an outward facing aspect of it that they can’t change. You do the same thing to yourself so they’re not alone.

    That being said, I’m very much looking forward to outliving Trump and hope to revel in some schadenfreude if he ever faces karmic retribution.

    Also, the cult is real and terrifying for about a billion reasons outside of the ear bandage thing.

  • After reading that entire post, I wish I had used AI to summarize it.

    I am not in the equally unserious camp that generative AI does not have the potential to drastically change the world. It clearly does. When I saw the early demos of GPT-2, while I was still at university, I was half-convinced that they were faked somehow. I remember being wrong about that, and that is why I’m no longer as confident that I know what’s going on.

    This pull quote feels like it’s antithetical to their entire argument and makes me feel like all they’re doing is whinging about the fact that people who don’t know what they’re talking about have loud voices. Which has always been true and has little to do with AI.

  • Taking your initial post and this comment into consideration, you may be in a situation I find myself in (or I may be projecting, who knows). I started out with some regular ass depression and threw in what was originally some recreational weed consumption. After a while I found myself as a daily weed smoker. My partner seems to have a much different experience as a daily smoker than I do. For me it manifests itself as you are describing, just a lack of excitement about life. I feel like my weed hangover isn’t like an alcohol one, but rather it saps my motivation to do anything productive that I’m not being held accountable for. If I was also unemployed and unable to find a job, I’m sure it would be worse for me. At the moment, I’ve cut back on my consumption and am making it a point to only partake on weedkends. Pairing that with more exercise has worked well for me in the past, but I find it difficult to get in the exercise habit with that low level of motivated energy. Finding a form of exercise where you don’t notice the work you’re doing is also helpful. I don’t much like basketball, but a friend of mine invited me out to fuck around and shoot hoops with them. Probably the easiest time I had getting in some cardio without realizing it. Nowadays, I’ve got a rowing machine that I use while I watch streaming shows. I usually find my lust for life returning when I’ve put in the maintenance on the machine that is my body. It’s a lot easier to feel alive when you feel alive.

  • I realize this isn’t actually going to happen, but I’m just trying to wrap my head around this dude’s train of thought.

    It seems like “You want to protest the killing of these people? How about you go live in the area where the killings are happening!”

    Does he think that will change their minds? Like, upon arriving in Gaza, these protesters will realize the errors of their ways and agree that genocide is the best option?

    Is he trying to get the protestors killed by the very thing they’re protesting? That’ll teach them!

    Does he not think that there is anything happening in Gaza and he wants to show them that it is actually a safe and lovely place?

    Ignoring the logistics of the proposal, and accepting that this lawmaker has the viewpoint that the protesters should not be protesting, I still fail to understand what the desired outcome is and why this person thinks this is a fitting response. Like, this dude went through the trouble of writing this up and talking to people about it. Does he realize this makes no sense and he just wants to get his name in circulation by proposing nonsense?