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Of course. Had it been a white box, it would have avoided this crash, we all know that!
I never said a country has to be completely free from racism to be a global leader. Not sure what your point it.
As I said, it’s a completely different scale. Look at the demographics of China and their immigration numbers, then compare them to the U.S.
It’s a night and day difference.
Ok, go ahead? Is there systemic racism in this country? Absolutely. Does it need to be addressed? Again, yes.
Now, tell me how what I said about the extreme xenophobia and homogeneity of China is inaccurate?
Any country as xenophobic as China will never be a true global leader. Say what you will about America and our racism problem, it pales into comparison to China’s “Han or bust” stance.
Voting third party this election directly lead to a Trump win. “You can try as hard as you want to deflect that blame, but it will never wash off.”
You’re a fool then. Voting for a third party has the exact same effect as not voting, and in this election, that effect was also supporting Trump. Get your head out of the fantasyland.
People like you are part of the problem.
Stop spewing more Chinese propoganda. “Benefitting from their government instead of being repressed and used as a resource”. You’re talking about China here? A totalitarian government with absolute control over everything.
Benefitting so much that they can’t even talk about politics or their own country’s dark history without being re-educated.
1 in 200? Do you have a source for that? Seems like a much larger number than I would have thought possible.
Because that mandate is there to protect other families, children, and immunocompromised people. Vaccines only work if enough people get them.
I remember watching a video that covered experiments proving that antimatter still falls “down” as well, so that avenue isn’t a valid place to look either.
I mean, shit on the music industry for all of their crappy practices, but 100% this. I pay for one music streaming service and have access to any music I want without having to think about which record label released which album. Why is it still illegal for studios to own movie theaters, but not streaming platforms?
Decouple the content creators from the content distributors.
And ironically, it’s the flyover deep red parts of the country that are the most rural, and therefore the most unprofitable legs of these delivery services. As with so many other GOP policies, it would mostly impact their supporters.
If after making noise, you either voted 3rd party or didn’t vote, you supported even more genocide and allowed Trump to win. Stop with this idiotic line of reasoning that somehow holding Biden accountable was more important than stopping Trump from becoming president.
You Russian stooge.
Oh sure, go into Moscow and hold up a sign protesting the war in Ukraine. See what happens.
Better than BCC is using a Distribution List with restrictions on who can send to it. Helps see who else got the email, without blowing up with reply-all emails. Obviously this only works in a corporate environment where distribution lists can be restricted.
Yeah, actually it could have been easier to push the Democrats left if they actually won. As it stands now no amount of pushing changes the dynamics of the House, Senate, and Presidency.
Let’s just see what happens to all these loud voices criticizing Biden once Trump takes office. My guess is magically they’ll stay silent or somehow still blame the left for what’s happening.
Supporting Trump or not, this mindset is one of the factors that helped Trump get elected again. Protest votes are the stupidest thing anyone could have done in this election, and to anyone who did so, you absolutely helped Trump get elected.
Go ahead and delude yourself into thinking that there was any other choice in this election, but the reality is that both sides support Israel, only one side will take it to an absolute extreme.
It’s absolutely heartbreaking what is happening in Gaza, but that is just one of the issues that were on the field this election and the country blew it.
Have you no sense of how things actually work in the world? Are you living in a dream state?
Not voting for Harris this election was exactly the same thing as supporting Trump in terms of actual effects.
So predictable. Nothing but “whataboutism” anytime someone points out how bad Trump is and will be. This thread was about Trump, not Biden.