Wow that Donald Trump guy is starting to look attractive for the first time in human history.
Wow that Donald Trump guy is starting to look attractive for the first time in human history.
They’d be super offensés if they could speak a real language. Thanks for half our vocabulary, suckeurs.
Please, no. I need to believe there’s still a place where things aren’t worsening.
cleverly also called “dogfooding”
It takes a village. Don’t kinkshame. Do nazishame. Do wealthhordeshame.
This is the kinda community that requires more than 5 hours of sleep to digest. I know now.
“A problem with alcohol”? I think not; why, I am a professional. Good day, sir.
—me to the neighbor’s mailbox
I’m partial to The’s, myself
Omg I haaaaate the 9/11s. If they ever find out who was driving those planes, we should probs kill them.
Haven’t you shown her the chart with the pirates? Can’t argue with science.
Philippines- and rosary-loving atheist here. She’s a keeper.
Sometimes after a hard day, all it takes is a Sicko to cheer me right the fuck up for a bit.
Anyone else get ptsd flashbacks to:
Oh you must be my old upstairs neighbor—send the rest of the dance troupe my best!
Holy fucking shit. I can’t believe this is a question people have asked and others have answered and that the answer is so unsatisfying for pedants.
EMPRESS is full on Elan Mask now as if this is 1930s Germany.
His second expression made for some loud guffaws at my house
Those war criminals in DC in later Bush administrations were so appalling and demoralizing that it’s hard to remember they’re able to be right about any single thing.