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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023

  • You’ll have to be more precise on the definition of God. There are quite a lot of them.

    The existence of an abstract concept is provable by thinking of it. If there exists an idea that you call God, then a God exists. However, that proves nothing about its properties beyond its mere existence as an idea, including whether it pertains to any real thing. Likewise, all attributes you ascribe to that idea become part of the idea, but do not automatically prove anything about reality.

    Thus, the question whether there is an idea called God is trivially answered by asking it at all, but has little bearing on anything at all.

    What makes ideas useful is that they group properties, and what makes them real is that there exists an actual thing having all those properties.

    Thus, the question whether a real thing exists depends on the properties of that thing, so let’s tackle one:

    Do I believe that there can be an omnipotent entity? No. The typical argument here is “Can God create a rock so heavy, They cannot lift it anymore?” Either answer contradicts the premise of omnipotence, unless that entity can create logical contradictions, in which case all argument and reasoning is moot anyway.

    In particular, do I believe that some variation of the Abrahamic God exists? No, or at least none of those I’m aware of. That doesn’t mean I’m not open to being shown otherwise.

    However, the idea of an omnipotent, omniscient and all-loving God runs decidedly counter to the existence of suffering, even if we ignore (or exclude) the contradiction about omnipotence.

  • BTW, if anyone doesn’t know, but wants to know the point behind the fish, it’s supposedly an acrostic that produces the greek word for “Fish”: Ichthys (ἸΧΘΥΣ), composed of the words " Ἰησοῦς Χρῑστός Θεοῦ Υἱός Σωτήρ", transliterated “Iesous CHristos, THeou (h)Yios, Soter”, meaning “Jesus the anointed, son of god, saviour”.

    Early christians used the symbol to mark meeting places and the like when they were being prosecuted by the Romans.

  • Medieval people: Prohibit Christians from making business with money because that’s a sin

    Medieval people: Create an economy where moneylending is lucrative

    Medieval people: Begin to exclude Jews from other lines of work

    Medieval people: Why are the Jews making their profit with moneylending?

    This guy: Jews are enriching themselves from wars they never chose by providing a service that only they could to kings that started wars they needed that service for.

  • I googled about lemmy, found a blog post to introduce the whole concept, they linked an instance recommendation thing based on (if I understood correctly) the uptime, (de)federation and user count of the instance, and I just clicked one of the suggestions. So many posts claimed that it doesn’t make a great difference that I eventually decided to toss my overoptimisation habit and take what was suggested to me.

    But I’m still learning my way around here, who knows if this will stay my forever home.

  • Suppose I have a javascript file for a node server’s backend access named db.js

    Suppose I write tests for those functions and name the test script file db.test.js

    Suppose I tar and gzip that file (bear with me), now named db.test.js.tar.gz

    Suppose I sign that file with PGP, now named db.test.js.tar.gz.pgp

    Now suppose I want to hide that signed compressed tarball of a javascript tests file for my db functions, and to do so, I name it .db.test.js.tar.gz.pgp

    Now I have a file that looks like it consists of nothing but extensions. I’m sure you could push it even further though, if you tried.

  • but but but but you’d get something good for it! You would never have missed it, but maybe you just didn’t know you wanted it? Come on, I’m sure consuming shit that will make you happy twice for two minutes each (once when clicking buy, once when getting and opening the package) will fill that hole in your soul! Spending money on stuff you don’t actually need is good!

    (That was sarcasm, if it wasn’t clear enough.)