• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • notepass@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.de*Permanently Deleted*
    7 months ago

    Ich habe mein Studium zu 100% mit einer 20h Stelle Finanziert. Ich bin dabei in meiner Ausbildungsfirma geblieben, konnte also einen höheren Satz als Standard-Studentensatz aushandeln. Das war mein Glück.

    Aber Arbeiten und Studieren empfand ich jetzt nicht als die Hölle. Ich hatte feste Arbeitszeiten neben dem Studium und könnte keine Stunde zu oder abbuchen. Das hat die Klausurphase schwierig gemacht. Aber wirklich überlastet oder gestresst habe ich mich nie gefühlt. Bachelor in Regelstudienzeit gemacht. Master wäre ein Semester drüber gewesen für die Thesis, aber dort musste ich auch 2 Fächer nachholen. Leider war das Thesis Semester aber WS19/20. Da hätte mich Corona dann komplett aus der Bahn geworfen und ich habe die Thesis erst letztes Jahr gemacht.

    Aber insgesamt: Arbeiten und Studieren finde ich ganz gut zusammen.

  • If a website has a German version, try using that. By law every web page here must have an (pretty much) directly findable button to cancel your account. Even when you are logged out. It normally is positioned in the footer of the page. Search for “kündigen” on the page and fill in the form.

    Note that not all pages still do this. But normally even just threatening to sue should add it, as they really wouldn’t be able to go against this in court. Tho crunchyroll does not seem to have this. Maybe I should create an account and do some trolling.

    Or just use GDPR and write a cancellation mail. I am pretty sure in most countries they need to accept it. Do not forget to add a deadline of a few business days.

  • As much as I like the anti-car think, this really shouldn’t be blamed completely on cars. Especially in the US, pedestrian infrastructure in general is lacking. This includes thinks like sidewalks, but also proper lighting at places where people could be (See the sample image of a petrol station in the article, why are there no lights there?).

    Additionaly, a lot of people dress dark with no reflection surfaces whatsoever (And some ciclelysts are insane enough to go without light at night). Try wearing stuff with some build-in reflectors at night. It does not need to be an ugly big yellow patch for that. I own a backpack with nicely worked in reflectory surfaces which makes me highly visible at night.

    Ofc there is also a component to the Cars and drivers here, but if thermal cameras are the first solution someone can come up with, maybe the start needs to be somewhere else.

    Overall: If I can see someone jaywalking on the autobahn about 800m in front of me while going 180kph and can react to that, the cities and villages in the US should probably have something similar in lighting and overall road elsetup.