• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


    • Unemployment insurance payouts are at or below poverty level at best, short in duration (normally 12-24 weeks at most) despite complete wildcard on how long finding a job may take, and aggressively restricted or even denied in many states(remember Republican controlled states refused free federal funding to bolster their unemployment payouts because they wanted people back working during a global pandemic without a vaccine at that point).

    • Unions and organizing and employees thinking of organizing are aggressively and illegally attacked, discriminated and retaliated against while the enforcement mechanisms to hold powerful companies to law are so underfunded the laws nearly don’t exist

    • OSHA, FLSA and other cornerstone pieces of workplace law are so routinely broken and have been by so long and enforcement so underfunded and penalties so trivial the laws don’t exist in practice. Injuries at work, minimum wage, overtime are so commonly violated, suing through the courts has been the only recourse for employees. With the court system now captured, even that menial disincentive is gone for companies to comply.

    • Companies systematically underpay and are able to collude on wages thanks to market salary tools to suppress wages. Switching companies is the only way to get a raise.

  • You nailed Ketchup.

    Also, mayonnaise is fucking disgusting. I worked at subway in high school and we had to install wide-nozzle tubes on our mayo dispensers because the morbidly obese customers would say things like “I don’t want to be able to see the sandwich, just bury it in mayo” and it would hold up the sandwich line.

    Let’s get down to it: top 3 hot sauces? I go Valentinas, green Tabasco, sriracha. Honorable mention, gochujang, tapatio

  • Oh it’s not the entirety, the employer has been paying tipped folks at least $2.35 per hour! What recompense.

    The 7i exemption, also called tip credit allows employers to take tips reported and lower the wages they pay and replace those wages with tips the public pays and have it count toward the federal minimum wage, which is a whopping $7.25 per hour and hasn’t increased since 2009 thanks to corporate ownership of the GOP and fecklessness from Democrats. It’s difficult to say what is more offensive economically or socially.