woah holy shit a bio?

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I have done this with both, and honestly, the resin miniatures, while impressive, are a fuckload of work to remove the supports from, clean, cure, and dispose of the uncured resin and prep for the next plate. The hazard they present isn’t terribly noticeable until it is. Ventilation is probably necessary for all 3D printers, but unless you have outdoor or purpose built external venting, resin will bother you eventually.

    As for FDM, you can do it, but it will never reach resin detail. On a 0.2mm nozzle, for instance it would clog too much, or print too slow and something would end up interfering with the print. A 0.4mm does alright, but you’ll want to do some abrasive finishing and some thicker layers of primer.

    It also depends on your plastic, how much you are willing to tweak your printer, etc. unfortunately, unlike resin, once you dial in the settings you will have to monitor it as the plastic absorbs moisture, the extruder and other gears wear down ever so slightly. Ambient temperature will affect how well layers stick, and slight breezes will be noticable.

  • The amount of jobs I’ve gotten through LinkedIn: 0.

    The number of people I have found from highschool/college/random person on the street who I can’t find in Facebook: waaaaaay too many. If it didn’t tell you who was looking for you, linkedin would be far creepier of a stalking tool. I mean, shit I’ve found people I’ve only seen a picture of. Now I know where they work, where they used to work, and went to school. By extension I now also know where they likely used to live and at least the general area that they live now (provided they don’t work remote that is).

    The more I think about LinkedIn, the more I want to remove my profile.

  • I see a Helldiver I up vote.

    For Liberty!

    But on a serious note, something as obvious as “Managed Democracy” and quitting your job by signing up for “Early Biovat Reprocessing” and the characters literally saying things like “HELLDIVERS NEVER DIE!” Before being obliterated by a 380? It’s satire. Satire is funny. Like hahaha look at stupid Facist regime, I’ll role play along to get into the mood of the game because the idea is so fucking dumb it’s funny with amazing gameplay.

    It’s willful ignorance at some point. I don’t think media literacy has much to do with it. It’s simply listening for what they want to hear, then ignoring the rest, just as real facists desire.

  • “The data is not affected.” You know, that’s an interesting thing to point out. The attackers clearly want to restrict access to information, possibly specific information, possibly information in general.

    However, whoever is in charge of this DDoS is clearly fulfilling a directive of “prevent access to it.” And they clearly don’t realize that a DDoS is temporary. Do they have a plan for when it’s back up? They can’t just DDoS forever, unless they plan on DDoSing the entire internet. And I don’t see them having the resources literally the rest of the world has.

  • Honestly the pain may be the part that causes the addiction. For me it started when I was 11. I was stressed, untreated for ADHD, and an eyelash was in the way so I just plucked it. The result was immediate relaxation. The next time I got an eyelash I just plucked it before I got stressed. Then I started plucking em when I was bored. Then puberty came and I got the same obsession with ance. That was a long one, then it went to these weird gland things in my mouth for a little bit, then it started on my beard which is by far the worst. It doesn’t hurt anymore, but the moment it itches, fuck everything.

    It’s not an urgent anymore it’s like scratching an itch. It’s automatic. I can’t control it undless I have gloves or wrist braces for the carpal tunnel doing this gave me.