Similar to how more people have heard of Lockerbie than any other Scottish town of 5000 people.
Similar to how more people have heard of Lockerbie than any other Scottish town of 5000 people.
“the hapless owner of InfoWars (a forgettable man with an already-forgotten name)”
Project managers // ER doctors: “Looking at a room full of people coding”
This guy seemed to be campaigning on not prosecuting war criminals, so military lawyers might be the first ones with difficult decisions to make.
LEGO must be sh**ing themselves at allowing this project to be featured on their UK packaging last Christmas?
Reminds of this bucket-line system
Sure, but doing a fact check at all is very strongly suggesting that the person making the claim is lying in a way that would be materially significant.
It just seems wrong to report that well technically, the candidate himself didn’t say those exact words (while ignoring that he communicates like a mafia don), and fit it in amongst other fact-checks where the candidate is literally libelling an entire community with things that are absolutely bare-faced lies with very very racist underpinnings?
Meanwhile the newspapers: “FACT CHECK: It is incorrect to associate project 2025 with the Trump campaign” 🙄
Interesting video about the subject from Ryan McBeth
Similar with “get up, Trinity” from The Matrix’s opening scene.
No safety, smoking first
hyphen became a plus? Dalí didn’t have a spare engine because their working spare engine wasn’t purged of fuel that wouldn’t be legal to burn in US coastal waters.
And destroyed the Baltimore bridge because their backup engines were split between legal fuel and “international waters” fuel.
Seems excessive to convert everything to rust when you can use std::shared_ptr and std::weak_ptr to eliminate the memory safety issue?
Boredom and not taking anything seriously?
well, the finest newspaper in the country recommended it!
Or the first you know of some news is memes making jokes about it.