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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023


  • I don’t have any updated data, but reading this from the article you posted:

    “Indeed, vaccinated people now make up the majority of the population – 79% of adults have completed at least the primary series – and the latest CDC data show that vaccinated people also now represent the majority of COVID-19 deaths. There are many more vaccinated people than there are unvaccinated people, and vaccinated and boosted people are, on average, older and more likely to have underlying health conditions that put them at risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes”

    Seems to make sense. My guess is that most of the unvaxxed people that were gonna die from Covid have already died. Some people have become immuno-compromised after 2020, and so they are still dying, but most of them might already have an immunity built up through having caught it and survived. So it’s likely those older, already vaxxed (but immuno-compromised) folks that are now being taken out by the newer mutations of the virus

    (Again, i’m guessing, but it seems to make sense)

  • Yeaaah probably fake, but given that it could be easier to just get it back by asking rather than rescheduling patients, dealing with the police, and waiting for insurance to cover the expensive equipment it’s… possible that this is legit (probably not, but possible)

  • I’m somewhat similar, but I’m also extremely easily distracted. I can’t hold multiple things in my mind for longer than two or three steps ahead. And then anything that comes along to break me out of it and I’m just done. It’s super frustrating, especially because I have the kind of mind that bounces different perspectives around all the time. It’s like I just want to reach out and grab a thought to think it through thouroughly before I get to the next but… nope

  • I like the game but I can’t deal with the nausea. Idk what it is about it, (I suspect it’s the rain) but within minutes I feel sick and need to go lay down. My husband has no issues with it. We’re probably about 30% through.

    I love the weirdness of the story. The voice acting is pretty good. The environment is immersive, and I’ll remember that cake scene forever. (But the boat controls suck, combat isn’t fun and doesn’t add anything to the game, and I’m not a fan of having to run to a point in order to fast travel)

    Just wish I could either watch or play it without wanting to throw up