I take my shitposts very seriously.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • That’s pretty much how he kept the public image of “eccentric genius” for so many years. I once read an article (can’t remember where, don’t care enough to search) that said that SpaceX had/has a team whose entire purpose was to babysit Musk when he had a temper tantrum. The team formed organically, like a cyst around a foreign object, and minimized damage to PR.

    When Twitter was infested, it didn’t have this immunity and now the world (or those of us who care) knows how much of a shithead he is.

  • rtxn@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldCtrl + Shift + A
    11 days ago

    Blender uses Alt+A.

    It consistently uses Alt as a modifier to execute inverse operations. I to insert a keyframe, Alt+I to delete it. Ctrl+F to set a text filter/search, Alt+F to clear it. Ctrl+P to set parent, Alt+P to clear it. H to hide selected objects, Shift+H to hide unselected objects, Alt+H to unhide all. {G,R,S} to move/rotate/scale, Alt+{G,R,S} to reset transformations. It’s not exactly industry standard, but internally consistent that makes learning it easy.

    Ctrl+D to deselect is stupid.