[removed by mod] for an opinion. Wow.
[removed by mod] for an opinion. Wow.
What happens if he signs the deal, gets the aid, beats Russia back and reneges? Serious question.
“American warship, go fuck yourself.”
I’ll stick to kayaking fresh water. All I gotta worry about are gators and Florida Man.
The 0.1% are polluting off the money from the 99%.
You got me thinking on the 1:1 ratio. We need to reduce population even more than I had thought.
You can bootstrap yourself into a better life, but the grind is unrelenting and slow. You’ll almost never hit the bullseye because of time constraints working FT.
I left a high-paying job for a part-time low-paying job, now I’ve got to make more. Got lots of ideas, trying different things in my spare time.
Uh, that’s what Pica is, eating stuff that’s not food.
Yep, it’s not Fox in general, that was only about Tucker’s show.
You’re right. Light with lots of blue in it, like the dawn, wakes us up.
Want to hear a dumb story? Been patting myself on the back for a couple of years because I set the e-reader on my tablet to black with dark orange letters.
“That blue light won’t get me!”
I just now realized that it still casts a blue light on the ceiling when I lay it down.
I think OP means to say that they already have the guns. If not a single weapon crossed the border, starting today, they would still be in business for a long time. Guns don’t really get used up and parts are stupid cheap.
Yeah, but they’re not going to deploy expensive tech to low-end stores. Margins at places like that are so thin, I’d guess running this system would break the bank.
PLUNGE! Yeah, plunging a few points that will pop back up. Reddit is making cash, hand over fist.
Lemmy: NOOOO! They’re failing because I want them to!!!
These posts are like listening to nerds shouting about the bully slightly slipping on a noodle.
a jump from an estimated average of 2,179 to 3,246 posts containing hate speech per week
Either way, that’s a drop in the bucket of total weekly posts for a global, popular, social media platform. I must be missing something dumb, help?
“Preaching to the choir” means to try to convince people of something they already believe, essentially wasting time by expressing an opinion to those who already agree with you; it implies talking to a group who is already persuaded and doesn’t need further convincing.
But Linux is easier!!!
“You still have to config stuff.”
Use a standard ISO instead of the crap that comes from the manufacturer, SO much better.
Download ISO from M$, wipe and install, uninstall One Drive, done. Betting you got fucked using the Dell or HP or whatever factory install.
Only enshittification I see is a single sentence on my lock screen. Don’t care, used a Windows crack, paid nothing.
Shit doesn’t happen to me on Windows. Killed One Drive, done.
Been wondering if the hassle is from pre-installed versions vs. the “got my own ISO” version straight from M$. I get very few of the Windows complaints I see when I wipe it to factory and install vanilla Windows. Which anyone using Windows should do on a new machine.
How does being married or not change that? Say I beat my wife and she runs away. She can get a police escort to get some of her things. I’ve been on the escorted end of that scenario. (Obviously they won’t wait for a moving service.)
no legal claim to your belongings
So you’re saying the law considers everything in a home the property of the person remaining, if they’re married? You should meet some people going through a divorce. It ain’t like that.
Of course it should be easy to divorce. My first two words: “It’s wrong…”
All that and you can’t provide a single example of consequences? That’s literally all I asked for.
The point of my anecdote was that nothing changed in our lives despite remaining married.
Cheaper than using bullets and bombs to influence. But no, some dumbasses see it as money thrown away on foreigners.
Depopulation decreases the tax base of younger people leaving older people with no support.
If fewer people come to my store and buy goods, I’ll be out of a job. Rinse and repeat.
These are features of any economic system. You might find this helpful.
But I’m sure you’ve got some genius way around all that, right? Let’s hear it!