• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • I saw a lot of negative comments in a YouTube thread. I only played the OG once, so perhaps it’s not sacred enough to me, but what I saw looked good.

    P.s. when I completed my first playthrough, it was in 2021. My experience is that the original is not as good, now—compared to modern games and storytelling—than rose-colored glasses might suggest.

  • These are true criticisms, but I’m not sure if they’re fair. To the best of my recollection, Steam had none of those things in 2008, either, about the time they were the age of the EGS, now.

    You could say they should (be able to) compete on the merits alone, without free games or paid exclusivity, but that argument wouldn’t reflect reality: you need a hefty carrot to lure people away from their comfort zone.