Ich mag koawach auch nur mit wasser, direkt aus wasserkocher :) Das ist kein problem. Mein problem - ich trinke zu viel und das hat cofein wie kaffee.
Hey do you have a sane® controls mapping, i bought all Keens and wanted to finish them in order on deck. But manually mapping each one is going to be tedious
Danke. Ich hatte angst meine iban zu geben, weil ich errinerre mich noch an die zeit wenn Leute, die nicht einmal mit flix unterwegs waren, Mahnungen bekamen
Aber sie haben mir bereits das Geld vom Flixtrain-Ticket zurückgegeben, das ich über Paypal bezahlt hatte, und dann so geantwortet.
Thanks for a brilliant idea! Jamming sessions with deck would be awesome !
Thank you!
Guess that will do! Something to log what was installed so i could backtrack instead of formatting ( since i wanted to see what wayland is like, then lets try sway! then some other versioins of wine and so on, i cannot remember what the hell i installed haha )
Since i also use to login on tty and startx only when i need it, this will be awesome to add. Thanks!
This looks promising, have to remind myself to try it out
Oh man, while i love xonotic, i really miss the ut99 weapons and maps :)
I gave Prey a chance, and i really liked the story and worldbuilding. Wnded finishing it under a week.
Im finally going to go through Deathloop and Mirrors Edge:Catalyst
Il have to check it, since many people said good things about it. Man, i really miss titanfall, was never too huge fan of battlefield / cod ( altho i must say, colleague had that ww2 cod and it made load of fun just going through multiplayer, i dont remember i ever touched the campaign )
edit: watching a video i just saw that it has a grappling hook! im sold!
Für früstuck ist top, für abendbrot möchte ich etwas warmes ( und ich hatte genug porridge )
Im having so much fun at work rn haha
Hey gute idee! Ich habe gluck und vertrage kichererbsen gut, ich muss dass öfter machen.
Ich habe sehr lange von Reis + Buttergemüse gelebt ( diese billige Packung im Karton von kaifland z.B ) plus jedes Mal ein anderes Gewürz damit mir nicht langweilig wird.
Habe mir auch einen Reiskocher gekauft, was für eine Erleichterung. Funktioniert wirklich wie dieser maimai “push button receive bacon”
Exactly, and its a shame because his ideas are really good. Even his earlier campy writing ( Ocelot encounters in MGS3 were so over the top but so good ) had its charm.
Fragile, but not that fragile, samantha AmERicA strand, almost everything Diehardman says…
i love the gameplay, but Kojimas writing is seriously getting more and more cringey, and not enough to be a cult like Tommy Wiseau, he neeeds editors
Havent had the luck, i saw it as i finished no mans sky.
Getting more old and progressing to being a casuall gamer so much that some titles im enjoying just now, i see that ill either sell the ps5 for a pc or steam deck. I guess this was my lesson.
Hey, wenn du deine Sphagetti lange genug kochst, brauchst du nicht mal mehr einen Löffel, du kannst einen Strohhalm benutzen ;)