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 𝕽𝖚𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖍𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍 
  • 13 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2022


  • Unfortunate outcome, sad cause. Sounds like he cared enough for the animal to put some effort into a noble funeral, but just fucked it up. Other people have caused conflagrations for worse reasons: intentional, carelessness, whatever.

    Of all the people causing a fire like this, I have the most sympathy for this guy.

    Related: a comedian once had a schtick about California road signs about it being illegal to throw burning objects out of your car; he joked that it was stupid, because what, was he driving down there road witha charcoal briquets in the passenger seat, just tossing coals out the window? While it was funny, I always thought, “Yeah. That’s almost exactly what it is.” Fucking idiots used to toss their cigarette butts out the window all the time.

  • Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s not CHS. From what I’ve read, CHS is similar to overdosing, and is mostly associated with habitual users. The very first time I got stoned, decades ago, I spent the entire night in my car parked outside of a friend’s house trying to not be violently ill. Since then, after legalization, I’ve gotten mildly stoned on edibles a couple of times to no ill effect, but the third time the nausea was back.

    I’ve found no reference about it online. I’ve asked about it, online. I don’t know of it’s allergies in my case; if I mini-dose - amounts small enough that I can’t notice any effect, but more than homeopathic doses - I’m fine. But as soon as I take enough to geta even a mild high, bang: nausea.

    It’s really frustrating, because I suffer from chronic lower back pain (thanks, Army!) and I’d even gotten a prescription (before it was recreationally legal in my state) in an attempt to achieve the pain relief associated with cannabis.

    I’ve now chalked it up to a paradoxical effect. I suspect the anti-nause mechanism in THC is behaving differently in my biome and instead triggers nausea. Maybe that can be classified as an allergy? Although I expect if it were a traditional allergy, any amount would trigger nausea. And a little cannabis doesn’t make me a little sick; it’s either all or nothing.

    My other theory is that it’s zero-G sickness. When I get high, I get a head-spinning effect, and that sort of thing over a long term induces nausea in me.

    I don’t know what the fuck it is, but it’s gods-damned annoying.

  • I’m saying that I’m claustrophobic, and being in a submarine is a nightmare scenario, regardless of how safe it is.

    Also: while I don’t know the selection process for US Navy submarines, my experience with the military is that you can have an opinion about how you want to be posted, but no actual decision-making ability. So I may hope to fly Navy jets, but the Navy can simply say: “fuck you, you’re going to be stationed on a submarine,” and there’s little I could do about it.

    Also: accidents happen, subs sink, regardless of the country. It’s pretty high on my list of ways not to die, just below Nutty Putty cave and getting sucked into Bolton Strid.

    Also: submarines are weapons of war, so there’s a non-zero chance someone, at some point, will be trying to make you sink.

    Also: I was saying that were I a Chinese submarine crew, an incident like this would not fill me with confidence about my posting.

  • $70 isn’t going to get you much of an espresso machine, unless you’re talking about a moka pot, and I’d challenge you on that one. You can make very fine espresso with a moka pot.

    And Aeropress aren’t known for making espresso; there’s not enough pressure from proper espresso extraction, and I’d expect espresso from an Aeropress to be under extracted and pretty horrible, Aeropress advertising notwithstanding. Most people use their Aeropress to make coffee; it’s apples to oranges.

  • This thing is exactly my exit strategy. My living will gives my wife absolute authority to decide to terminate my life if she sees fit; whether or not the state would allow it is another matter, but at least my wishes are known. These include conditions of cognitive decline; my step-father recently passed after a protracted decade of horrific decline, and no fucking way all I going through that.

    While you’ve got a more pragmatic solution, to be frank, if I’m going I’d like to do so with some guarantees and comfort. I’m not comfortable with the risk of accidentally half-assing the attempt with something I jury-rigged and end up with brain damage and the inability to complete the job. I’m hoping that some state will have the balls to jump into suicide tourism and open clinics full of these specific devices, so if things get bad and I’m still able to travel, I can go in some comfort.

    I’m fucked if I’m comatose, because most options are simply removing support and letting the patient starve to death, and I fear being conscious (enough) through that protracted process.

    We have such shit laws in this country (USA) about giving people autonomy over their end-of-life process.

  • It took me a few weeks to really get to muscle memory, but after that I disliked full-size keyboards enough that I started using kmonad on my laptop with the traditional keyboard. I eventually ended up with kanata (which has a superior chord handling) everywhere, until I got a piantor 50%, when I switched to QMK.

    I switched by degrees, though; I’d used a more limited set of layers for a couple of years before going full gonzo, so I was used to the modality; adding more layers was less a new paradigm and more just adding complexity to what I was, by then, familiar with. So I can’t say I’m a fair measure.

    QMK has been a struggle to get all of the settings working such that there isn’t some behavior that is annoying, and I’m still not there, but having the programming in the keyboard has made some situations easier (consoles, etc).

    I’m 9 mos into the piantor, and I still struggle with remembering where I bound some infrequently used layers, like the layer I put all the F-keys. And rarely I’ll think about how to get a key - rather than relying on muscle memory - and simply fail to remember the magic combo. However, I won’t voluntarily go back. Having numbers and special characters accessible without having to change my hand positions is simply invaluable, and I still use kanata on my laptop to get the same behavior, despite it meaning I have a whole row of keys I’m not using anymore.

    The biggest hassle in going back to a full size is the reduced number of thumb keys. And I admit, I learned to touch type being able to hit the space bar with either thumb, and simply do not have the luxury of enough keys to dedicated to duplicate functions to allow this. This would be probably my biggest complaint, and only regret about switching.