Have you been listening to and analysing the lyrics of mid-1970s Pink Floyd? If not then that could be your next move.
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash… and I’m delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever!
Have you been listening to and analysing the lyrics of mid-1970s Pink Floyd? If not then that could be your next move.
Yes. I have a 4gb Pi 4 and self-host a Wordpress website, Bookstack, Trilium, Syncthing server and a server to serve images and a couple of other apps which are all internet available through a Cloudflare tunnel. Far from struggling (though admittedly nothing is processor intensive).
“Ban work before it kills you!”
This. Exactly.
Why am I not surprised?
(More and more I have an absolute feeling that I’m being fucked over by already wealthy people - and there’s nothing I can do about it in any way!)
You are right. Is a hitherto episode of epilepsy a good defence for dangerous driving in general?
I guess it could come down to whether or not the person has previous incidents of dangerous driving or they have footage or other evidence to suggest she wasn’t epileptic. If there’s no physical evidence or subsequent seizures. (I know I’m speculating and - you are right - we should assume innocence and that her account is right until shown not to be).
Is there a way checking whether an epileptic seizure has taken place? (MRI scan showing trace evidence in the brain?) If the driver has not experienced subsequent seizures, it would be difficult to accept this one without evidence.
What strikes me is how a so-called “independent regulator” seems to collaborate with these water companies and make HUGE pay rises seem normal and inevitble.
Non story for sabre-rattling attempt.
Navy rear-admiral on LBC this morning said that Russian subs go up the Channel daily to noin their Northern fleet and that if the UK scrambled a response every time it would exhaust the country’s resources. He said that Russian vessels are legally allowed in the area as long as they don’t interfere with any UK underwater resources.
Distraction from the Harry vs The Sun story and calls for criminal prosecutions?
Check out Memos. It does most of what you want. There’s an app, MoeMemos as well. I’ve used Memos as my journal for a couple of years now. (There’s also a sync with Obsidian if you use that.)
I spent AGES trying to do this and trying out all sorts of apps.
The best solution (for me at least) was self-hosting Nextcloud and using its Calendar and Tasks apps (and using it’s CalDAV to keep tasks and appointments in sync in various apps across my devices). I’ve never got the hang of Kanban so can’t comment on how good it is. I also keep my scratchpad/fleeting notes using Nextcloud Notes.
I joined as soon as it was open. Very quickly it was full of junk TiKtok videos (many with the Tiktok logo). As others have said you have to keep scrolling through the same videos in the same order to see anything new.
The feature that’s missing is some sort of “filter creator” that would enable users to build their own algos.
(To be fair, I can’t see why Tiktok works as an app other than as some global-scale brainwashing tool.)
While the UK spirals the economic waste bin, Nat West makes 18.3% profit this year (£1172 million).
£770,000 in bonuses. Laughing their heads off as they swill champagne and chomp down caviar.
After nearly 30 years of work I’ve become convinced that ANY company or organisation would be better run without executive/senior management and letting the staff make decisions and work collectively would be more effective (or at worse… no worse than this disease of mangerialist greed that’s clearly adding to the ruin of this country).
That is not good news at all!
Nextcloud Notes?
I was skeptical at first but have found it the most useable of all the ones I tried out.
Yes. Yes. And Yes!
I’m not sure (but happy to be corrected) that there is a legal standard definition of what constitutes milk. There was a documentary on Radio 4 a few years ago that asked “What is milk?” and found that - in UK and Europe - it couldn’t be answered (other than it had some cow involvement somewhere). Some pateurised “milks” had barely any actual milk. From what I remember it was the lobbying of the dairy industry that prevented a standard definition.
Just looked at the iOS app and it has an IAP of £119.00. Put me off completely.
I struggle to understand economics. How is it that almost all the major big businesses in UK have been reporting strong if not record profits recently? And yet hardly any growth… hmmm…