• 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2024


  • Thank you so much for this question Obituary! From my perspective it’s not so much about looking up rules not being holistic - rather a blocker to a game session and potentially to the game itself (i.e. some rules are very abstract and require X level of experience…which even then is not reliable). Thus, Nurl instead helps to try and streamline that experience when it needs to happen, doing so in a way that a 13 year old can understand. Of course, it’s opt in, so you don’t have to use that feature - but speaking from experience (I’m a GM with a hybrid group of 6 players. All are new except one who has been playing for 20 years), it has been an invaluable resource in our group.

    The holistic nature being more around character sheets and other tools you need to play a game.

  • I just want to thank you SW first and foremost for this post and all the questions you have to which I’m delighted to engage. 😊 I wish more people in our community were open to having a safe discussion about this topic.

    I’m going to attempt to answer all of your questions, but they may be out of order to hopefully give a better context.

    To start, without giving away our IP, I’m happy to say that Nurl does not use GPT - we in fact use a more advanced approach which creates our engine that is made up of different parts to accomplish X thing successfully. This is why the app provides value outside of general purpose AI - it is so much more than just a simple chatbot (i.e. we deconstruct rule and so much more).

    Because of this, Nuro has yet to have an issue with accuracy for any feature because we are consistently training our models to prevent it. Nuro is also the engine that is exposed only to support and enhance the games for both the players and GM and not as a “meta-GM”. This meaning that Nuro will not be another voice in the argument to over throw a GM or anything like that. I and my group also use the app along with about 100 other people who opted into our Beta Prototype to validate some assumptions - the MVP is the next step on that.

    Around eithics and legality, we also have guidelines and a legal council protecting these things. For the most part, training does not occur with user interaction but in other ways under the hood that we control. The only exception is if a user will update their accessibility settings that will make games better in ways there has never existed before. For example, if you are a person with Neurological disabilities, you can update a setting that is relative to your option which will alter how Nuro specifically communicates and displays the UI to you. Thus, Nurl makes TTRPGs more accessible and inclusive than ever before (which I’m really excited about).

    We also plan to add a set of features that are relative to groups that use voice chat if they want to opt into them (also excited about these). Regarding NSFW, it is against our Terms and Conditions to upload or abuse Nurl in any way regarding this material to which we will block, remove, report, and take legal action if needed when the Terms have been violated.

    Cost is still being determined but it will more than likely not be a subscription. Rather, a usage based plan that matches current standards in the industry. This is a little more complicated because maybe the GM uses Nurl more than Player X. In that scenario, Player X shouldn’t be charged a consistent fee because they are using it less. This is also something I’m very passionate about regarding fairness in billing.

    Lastly, I appreciate the feedback on the word “proprietary” - note taken.

    I hope I was able to answer all your questions with as much detail as I can legally give without giving away our IP? If you feel that I have not, please forgive me. Once again, I really appreciate this conversation and hope Nurl can be a beacon of hope around how to use advanced technology to give the community tools they deserve vs. abusing our creators.

  • Great question! It has a AMA feature - but it’s not an AMA. It’s more so like a “group hub” for your games if you will? It’s also not a VTT - that problem has been solved already.

    Nurl aims to support and enhance game sessions for people who still love to play IRL/hybrid game sessions. Having said that, you don’t need a rule-set because our proprietary engine Nuro™️ manages all that on your behalf. Basically, using the app should allow you to just focus on the story or playing the game vs. managing the details. As a GM, the last thing I want to do is waste more time “doing stuff” vs. telling the story. The app has helped me go from taking 3 hours to plan my sessions down to 15 minutes (very nice).

    We are building the engine to do some really cool things regarding NPCs and custom lore that you can learn more in our blog posts (see both the chat and notes). So, with all that context, it is meant to empower both the GM and Players so changing or learning about anything on the fly has no limits (I can validate that as a GM who does it pretty much in every game session…except fudging dice - if the players can’t fudge, I choose not to fudge which makes a more interesting and engaging story IMO).

    I hope that answered all your questions? Please let me know if it didn’t and what I can do to be more helpful!

  • Great question! The app is game agnostic out of the box and supports any game in the mainstream. We do support Beam Saber out of the box today. If it is OK with you, I would love to learn more about your expectations of campaign organization since that is relative per GM? Would you be open to setting up 30min for a chat about it and possible user testing of the app features? 100% OK if you are uncomfortable with that.