How to get me to block your account with one simple trick: post utter bs like that
How to get me to block your account with one simple trick: post utter bs like that
Well, just to give a different, albeit also wrong, perspective (from a middle-european society):
Anyone that emigrated to the US after 1850 is not a native…so 70% of y’all are immigrants.
For me it is always a bit hilarious to read how immigrants are bitching about not letting too many immigrants in “their” country.
And as i said… I know my point is wrong to start with, but i am honest and aware about my biased view. Something more people should or could be.
I have a friend that lives on a farm. He told me they have had issues with rats one summer. Pest control didn’t help much.
So, his dad catched a live rat and but it on a bbq. That poor thing must have screeched like crazy. My friend said it was hard to witness.
The rats they had must have thought the same. Most of them left. The problem was solved.
So, if it needed a well documented case of a anti-vaxxer having a slow and painful death, and showing it on youtube or tictoc or insta to drop the number of anti-vaxxers from 30% to even only 20%, i think, overall, society would be better off and this one humans life was well spend, saving so many after it.
No, no /s. I dont condone violence. This is a “what if” thought experiment.
Einfach so lange die Wahl wiederholen, bis ein Ergebnis so ist, wie man es möchte. Dann das an die große Glocke hängen und alle vorherigen als “manipuliert” brandmarken.
Aw dang, paywall.
Have the Canadians apologized yet for theit Building standing in the way?
…and here I am, thinking the biggest piece of shit was Bono…
Anbei eine Anleitung, die in brauchbare Unterschritte unterteilt ist und dir eine Menge an brauchbaren infos gibt. Nach Jahren and Misserfolgen hab ich dank des Typs letztes Jahr auf einmal so viele Chilis geerntet, dass ich nicht wusste wohin damit.
Viel Erfolg!
See, if a refugee exists that actually has a job and can pay for its own life, Ronny, Tschantall and Maik are reminded that they dont have a job and cant pay for their own shit. And as long as this is happening they need to shit on whoever is actually not a lowlife looser because this very fact makes em feel shitty. So they vote afd because its always easier to shit on others than trying to get your own shit together.
Als ob die paar Kröten den Kohl fett machen. Wenn dich der Verlust an Steuern so sehr interessiert, dann ließ doch mal das Schwarzbuch und tue was gegen die richtig großen Verschwender.
Oder ist dir das zu konkret und zu bedeutend? Ist billige Meinungsmache auf Bild-Niveau halt das beste, was du kannst?
Stimmt gar nicht. Die haben eine Wirkung. Schauste hier:
“Buhuu, ich weiß halt auch nicht genau was ich hassen soll! Schau dir das Video doch selbst an, ich bin zu sehr Gemüse um dir zu erklären worum es eigentlich geht! Buhuu!”
Klaro, ein Arsch-Bon-Bon gegen Unruhe. Klasse Idee.
There was this white singer that got uninvited by fff here in Germany because she wore dreadlocks. Cant have that when you are white it seems. No logical reason necessary, too. Can just brand it “cultural appropriation” and you’re good. Oh shit, there is prove that greeks or wikings had dreadlocks? Nae, just gonna ignore that cause it doesnt fit my stereotypical views of the world.
The argument might seem overstreched, but shit like this happens.
Oh fuck, how dare you ask someone on here to actually give reason, facts or prove of anything they make up in their heads! Here, take my downvotes, there is no need to argue if I can just ramble and feel superior to you that way!
/s , obvioisly.
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