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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Not the same at all. The previous housing bubble was a result of widespread fraud by the banks. Now, people know very well to look out for that exact thing happening, and it isn’t.

    If there is a bubble right now, which there probably is, it is a speculative bubble. People believe that housing will forever quickly grow in price, so they are willing to pay above reasonable price to not miss out on the opportunity. Which in turn increases the prices further. It’s a self-sustaining cycle, but at some point there won’t be enough capital to sustain it any longer. Can happen in a year, can happen in a decade, can happen tomorrow.

  • Because it’s the nightmare scenario for consumers. Imagine your next favorite game is a Netflix exclusive.

    You can only access it through Netflix streaming. You cannot own the game, ever. You can’t even pirate it. Netflix can take it away at any moment and it will be gone forever.

    Now imagine what they could do with so much power. They could make simple features cost extra. Want ultrawide? That’s $2.99/month. Want 120 fps? That’s $4.99. Want an FOV slider? Special offer, only $0.99! Extra save slots? You betcha it costs extra.

    You can forget about modding or tweaking your experience in any way. Shaders like reshade, texture packs, input handling improvement (including for those with special needs) will no longer be cluttering your mind.

    All that sucks, but you have to play this game. One day you’re playing and you’re so immersed in a very tense section of the game, you’ve practically forgotten the outside world exists. Wait why did my image change? “This new fabric softener will keep your sheets fresh for weeks!”. Oh right, it’s the ad break.

    Well that sounds like a completely miserable experience. You’ve about had it. You’re cancelling your Netflix and going to their competitor. Oh… The only way to access this game is through Netflix streaming.

  • How do you know anyone is a verified adult? A 17 year old can look like a 22 year old. Should we ban all porn unless its of verified adults? Should one need a license to use their body in pornography?

    Do you verify everyone to be of age in all pornographic material you consume? Unless you do, there is a decent chance you’ve unknowingly seen pornographic content involving someone just not quite of age.

    To answer your question more directly, pornography companies where images usually originate obviously don’t hire underage actors. Sites for posting/selling self pornography also require documents, but that’s pretty prone to forgery.

    When it comes to self posting on social media, all bets are off. Someone not quite of age can post pornography of themselves on twitter or reddit or they can even post it on self hosted blog.

    So you have 2 solutions: Ban all pornography of people who would be asked for a driver’s license when they are buying alcohol. So probably like 30+ years of age. Requires a government license to post pornography of self, which would also require disclosing your legal name and other identifiable information when posting pornography.

    Or we can continue being pragmatic and use our best judgement while understanding that our perception can’t tell who is 17 years and 363 days old and who just turned 18.