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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 18th, 2024


  • the “paradox of tolerance”, really…
    the philosophical issue is: who would decide what’s free speech and what’s not?
    e.g. i know someone who was charged with “starting a riot” for staying at a protest camp, protesting the genocide in Palestine….
    there was nothing close to a riot.
    similar protestors have been called antisemitic and supporters of Hamas… by Kamala Harris….
    that could easily be flipped to, “oh they’re intolerant of jewish people, not free speech, arrest them all” by some judge or cop somewhere….

    the SPLC has done a good job of suing hate groups when individuals act on their hateful rhetoric… but the very freedom to speak and say “things should be like this!”, must be held as sacrosanct…
    ~plus, we can follow them home if they speak in public.~

  • we need math in programming because math is the best language for describing the universe…
    you don’t really need much to do a lot of stuff, but it’s a very math like thing… the computer was invented as a general purpose math machine, programming languages are rather similar to math… variables, functions, etc….
    imo they make students take way too much math and it ends up being “just prove that you could do this, not that you’ll need to”.
    like, “multivariable calculus with analytic geometry” isn’t needed for anything unless you’re doing scientific work….