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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • Hi Tom,

    I was just taking a look at your resume, and your experience at Deceased really caught my eye! I’m especially interested in your knowledge of being missed by friends and family. Did you know that complications from heart surgery is in high demand right now?

    I’m a head hunter looking for dynamic individuals who are interested in positions at an exciting new startup, and I think you’d be a perfect fit!

    I hope we get a chance to chat soon!

  • So like, if you were in a restaurant and ordered food, but it never came because a couple of the servers were blocking food from being served because the company wasn’t taking a strong stance against abortion, you’d think “these good people are taking a moral stand, good for them! The company better not take any action against them to make sure I get my food!”

    Or for that matter, if Google stopped all cooperation with the IDF, the company’s Jewish employees could (in fact should) disrupt business because Google was supporting terrorism?

    It seems to me that you can only support forms of protest you’d be willing to accept when the other side uses them against you. Basically the golden rule.

  • I think the fans & press deserve equal blame for the initial hype. At some point I saw a supercut of things Sean Murray said, then the resulting headlines and Reddit posts.

    In an interview, the journalist asks: “Will you be able to play with your friends in a shared universe?” The answer: “Well…we hope that eventually there will be at least some multiplayer functionality, though maybe not on day one…like maybe you could explore one another’s planets or share pictures or something.”


    Reddit comments: “I’m already forming a guild, we’re going to play as bounty hunters chasing down other players who are pirates in glorious multiplayer space battles!!”

    There were tons of examples of that. Journalists would poke and prod for a soundbite, take it out of context and exaggerate it, and the community would just go batshit with their expectations.

  • As a software dev and open source contributor: stay the course, then! I’ll take open source software over a union 10 times out of 10. I get paid so well for what I do that it’s silly, and I love spending my time doing the stuff I like. I’ve been a union member in other fields, it’s not an experience I’d like to repeat.

    I seriously doubt anybody is contributing to open source for status & seniority. Respect, maybe. The status & seniority people become managers; as the old joke goes, that’s the best way to get them out of the workforce.

  • A while back, one of the image generation AIs (midjourney?) caught flack because the majority of the images it generated only contained white people. Like…over 90% of all images. And worse, if you asked for a “pretty girl” it generated uniformly white girls, but if you asked for an “ugly girl” you got a more racially-diverse sample. Wince.

    But then there reaction was to just literally tack “…but diverse!” on the end of prompts or something. They literally just inserted stuff into the text of the prompt. This solved the immediate problem, and the resulting images were definitely more diverse…but it led straight to the sort of problems that Google is running into now.

  • I mean yep, they did…that’s a key plot point in the bible. Doesn’t really change anything. The Jews still need somewhere to live, and the rest of the world is already occupied. What can they do?

    They started asking out for ~20% of what was then British-occupied Palestine (previously: Ottoman-occupied Palestine), but ended up with the vast majority of it, in large part because the Palestinians wouldn’t agree to part with any of it (and kept attacking Israel, and losing). They should share it, either as a single state or 2 independent states. The blame for their failure to do so rests largely on the religious extremists within Israel, for sure–but also, the Palestinians have refused from the very start to accept anything less than everything back. Anybody putting all the blame on one side is oversimplifying the situation.

  • It is part of the context of the conflict. The Jews famously have no other homeland, and there’s been resentment against them wherever else they’ve ended up. Kinda caused some issues there in the mid-20th century, if you remember.

    The involvement of the US is kind of a non sequitur. Whether or not they’re involved, that area of the Levant is the last historical homeland of the Jews, and they were driven from it.