• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • The Pirate Bay is “technically” not breaking any laws

    As another user mentioned, TPB hosting magnet links and torrent files. Bring down TPB site down = no access to torrent files/magnet links = you can’t download the torrent (teoretically). Sharing link to TPB site does not break any laws and is totally legal.

    You don’t have to break laws to get in trouble if you are pissing off rich people. They’ll find something, anything, to nail you on. It’s totally ok for random normal people to not want to be “heroes” to a bunch of other random people they don’t know. Heroes attract villains, and instability. And while it’s just starting to get off the ground, lemmy doesn’t need villains or instability.

    Basically “Lorem ipsum”

    Let the smaller, less visible servers do the shady but “totally technically legal” stuff.

    So you do support piracy? Or not?

    Big servers with big targets on their forehead need to be stable and drama-free.

    “drama-free” lol. This is drama. This is drama that should not have happened in the first place.

  • What part is illegal? Are they sharing files on that instance and your instance re-hosts it?

    From my understanding, discussions are legal, guides are legal, tips are legal, but actual files (aka “copyrighted content”) is illegal. There are no files shared there, links at maximum, but institutions should be after those content-sharing websites, not forums.

    I am against this decision and I am happy that I am not part of admins team.

  • Arch is customizable, like legos. It’s neither minimalistic, neither lightweight. It gives you almost unlimited amount of legos and you build something. Bad at building - you fucked. Good at building - congrats.

    You don’t require to melt those bricks from plastic tho (gentoo) or rebuild an existing OS (Ubuntu).

    Also when you buy Arch Lego© set, you also get a great instructions on how to do it (arch wiki) + recommendations on how to order additional less-frequently used legos (AUR).

    That’s why I prefer Arch. 👌

  • If they start fighting over food, or fight with the food, should the parents who provided the food be blamed?

    LMAO yes, parents. It’s called parenting.

    If you’re going to point to cancer or earthquakes that have seemingly random causes, then I don’t have a satisfying answer for you.

    What do these have in common? What point are you trying to make? What question did I ask?

    God as the ultimate creator isn’t bound by anything, including time and space.

    Where did you take that from? The same could be said about spaghetti monster.

    Because of this they’re infinitely beyond our imagination and we shouldn’t expect to understand every reasoning behind their decisions. But just because we don’t know the reason doesn’t mean that a good reason doesn’t exist or that god is cruel. This feeling of cruelty is similar to how we thought our parents were cruel for sending us to elementary school or how teachers were cruel for giving us home works. Since it’s not easy to understand the nessesity of education and specially the nessesity of home works even sometimes as an adult.

    Lorem ipsum. Text about nothing lol.