• WhatTrees@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    8 months ago

    This was your original comment (parts that are struck-out are not relevant):

    I think there were two links to the gore page people post and a couple of responses saying you couldn’t even talk about tiannamen square.

    The first is clear what it is, I’d call the second one sinophobic because it’s patently untrue and is basically an anti-china buzzword now. Idk why mods did what they did.

    Your argument was that the statement, “you couldn’t even talk about tiannamen square” was sinophobic. And the reason provided was that it’s:

    1. patently untrue

    2. basically an anti-china buzzword now.

    Saying ‘that statement isn’t one that has zero sinophobic underpinnings’ is quite a bit different. I am not arguing that there are 0 racist “underpinnings”. But, if the standard for racism is “has at least one racist underpinnings” then I think you may have an easier time writing the list of statements that are not racist. If that is the standard, then saying something is racist risks losing all meaning since almost everything would be.

    I have been saying that it is not sinophobic because it is:

    1. not demonstrated to be untrue, much less patently. You haven’t provided any evidence for it being untrue and it’s certainly not clearly, or without a doubt, untrue.

    2. at best anti-ccp not anti-chinese. It is a popular criticism of China pointed to by both those who have clearly racist motivations and intents and those who do not.

    3. a bad framework to determine if something is sinophobic/racist or not. The truthfulness of a statement doesn’t impact its racism. There are true things that have racist underpinnings and false things that do not. Even if something is a popular buzzword used predominantly by people who have the worst motives, it would not be inherently racist.

    You’re correct that animus is not required for something to be racist. However, it’s hard to imagine that you intended to mean “the claim is sinophobic because it’s patently untrue and has a non-zero number of racist underpinnings but without animus.”

      • WhatTrees@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        8 months ago

        I want to believe things that are true and have good reasoning and evidence to support them. Ideally, I’d like others to do the same. If what you are saying is true and there’s good reasoning and evidence for it, I’d like to believe it too. If not, ideally, I’d like to see you not believe it. Additionally, I want to say things that help what I fight for, a better world for all, and avoid those that don’t.

        I can’t make you do anything. You don’t have to respond, convince me, or change your mind. You’ve never had to. Why do you keep responding (not flippant, a genuine question)?

        As I said previously, I believe statements like yours harm the cause I believe we share. If there’s a way to get you to see that and stop doing that then, I believe, the world would be the tiniest bit better in that there’s a better chance to get the improved world I, and I believe you, fight for. If it could be shown to me that statements like yours are true (by evidence and gold reasoning) and beneficial to the cause then I’d start saying them.

        I don’t believe it’s either true or helpful to the cause to provide cover for authoritarian governments by pointing to valid criticism and declaring it racist, regardless of the mere presence of racist underpinnings. I would find it untrue and unhelpful in all cases, but especially those where the government wears the name tag commonly associated with the better world I want. Doing so ties that dream of a better world to the failures of the past that, although were likely well-intentioned, didn’t result in that better world and in some cases made the lives of their citizens worse. My economic stances come downstream of my desire to see human rights respected by all and human flourishing to expand.

        • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
          8 months ago

          Would you believe that Chinese people can talk about tiannamen if you saw their words?

          • WhatTrees@lemmy.blahaj.zone
            8 months ago

            That’s going to depend on a lot of specifics, but if it could be sufficiently demonstrated, yes.

            Are they going to be able to speak reliably about government policy? Are they going to show evidence of actual memorial services? What level of knowledge of the events could they demonstrate? Are they going to be able to show that the government is not attempting to censor information or discourage open discussions or memorial events? A handful of anecdotes that people have vague notions of something big happening at that place and time would be anything but remarkable.

            Are they going to disprove the reports of arrests for “seditious social media posts about an upcoming sensitive date?” Or that they removed books about TS from libraries in HK in 2023 after they reasserted control over HK? Is it going to link to government data about those who were killed, injured, forcibly disappeared, or imprisoned? Is it going to show that police haven’t been stationed outside the homes of or disappeared people who were connected with the events of TS or its memorial services? Is it going to show that the government is not blocking search terms or Wikipedia pages about the events?

            If all it will be is statements from the general Chinese public that they “know about what happened at TS” that would be unremarkable. I have no doubt that the government’s attempt to hide information hasn’t been fully successful and that people believe they know all that happened. That would not show that they do or that the information is freely available, or that the government is not doing the things outlined in the evidence I’ve provided so far.

              • WhatTrees@lemmy.blahaj.zone
                8 months ago

                You could have just provided sufficient evidence or provided what you have and see what my response would have been. Attempting to paint me into a corner by agreeing to accept evidence I haven’t seen yet and don’t know the nature of, other than you saying it’s the words of Chinese people, is ridiculous. Would you agree to accept my evidence before seeing it only knowing it’s coming from an international nonprofit?

                Is that all it took to convince you? Would that kind of evidence be sufficient for any of related claims for other countries? I highly doubt you’d accept it if the tables were turned.

                You understand that I don’t have to think someone is lying to be wrong about something, right? How is your evidence going to show that these people aren’t simply mistaken or misinformed?

                Why don’t you just provide what you have and see what objections come up?

                • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
                  8 months ago

                  So you’re unwilling to accept Chinese people talking about tiannamen unless they conform to the ideas you already have, which line up broadly with the western narrative.

                  Do you think a degree of chauvinism might be informing that?

                  • WhatTrees@lemmy.blahaj.zone
                    8 months ago

                    I never said they’d have to line up with ideas I already have. The evidence you provide would need to adequately demonstrate what you are trying to prove and address the points brought up in the evidence I’ve already provided. I don’t care about “the western narrative”, I care about you proving what you claimed was obvious.

                    I haven’t rejected anything yet because you haven’t provided anything yet. You want me to agree to accept evidence I haven’t seen and that doesn’t address the actual claim made. My claim wasn’t that “all Chinese people believe the government is trying to hide information about TS” or “all Chinese people have 0 knowledge about TS” , it was “the government is trying to hide information about TS.” Showing me what a handful of Chinese people think is not going to address the claim at all. Do you have government documents that show something different? Do you have a reliable way to show that the claims in the evidence I provided are false?

                    If not, we are left with you choosing to accept the testimony of a few over the documented actions of a government.

                    I doubt you really want to have a conversation about our inherent biases given the stances you’ve taken in this conversation and the disparity between the evidence provided by the two of us. Which one of us has expressed a willingness to change their mind if presented sufficient evidence? Which one has backed up even a single claim made?

                    I have no doubt that chauvinism is an underpinning for some of my beliefs, in the same way that I doubt you would claim to have 0 racist, sexist, or chauvinistic underpinnings yourself. We are products of the cultures that surround us, especially during our formative years. True impartiality is impossible.

                    Once again though, you’d need to demonstrate that the belief is wrong not just that it has a non-zero number of racist influences.