That was a crazy article, I never knew. I’m going to have to go deeper down this rabbit hole. Way deeper.
This is very cool.
Did I just get another hobby?
This is the most incredible article I’ve ever. EVER. Read.
This will change the world, so long as the word gets out and Big Pharma doesn’t somehow force the government to crack down on it and stop people from accessing the materials they need to make their own meds.
The right of repair title made me angry (why is the world like this), but the article was really interesting.
3D printing, but medicine. Let’s fucking go!!
As a biochemist I would highly recommend AGAINST making your own medication as long as you are not in a 3rd world country like the US.
Not trying to defend pharma here but there is a reason why pharma companies have to check every batch of any product they make.
However if it’s between risking contaminated drugs and dying? That’s not really a choice!