A while back my son was playing Sea of Thieves quite successfully on the Steam Deck. He was away for a while so I uninstalled it to save some space. Now he’s back and wanted to play again so I reinstalled the game. Only now it doesn’t ever load to the menu successfully. It starts to load, shows the wheel in the bottom right, shows the Rare and other logos, then goes back to showing the wheel in the bottom right. Only it never gets any further. The wheel is spinning still and the game doesn’t appear to have locked up. I’ve tried different versions of Proton (experimental, GE) but the issue is the same. Anyone else run into this or have any ideas? I have made sure to do basic troubleshooting like restarting and what not. Any help is appreciated!

  • Grass@geddit.social
    1 year ago

    This is what I would do, hopefully it will work for you

    Back up the save manually or with ludusavi from discover in case steam cloud shits the bed,

    remove the compatdata but double check the game id number (any of steamdb, steam store, protondb, get id from web address):

    rm -r /home/deck/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/1172620

    (Or just navigate to the location and delete it with the file manager)

    Set game to either to proton ge or just default if it’s verified,

    launch game.

    I find this works whenever I screw up a game I’m modding or editing files of.

    Edit: if that doesn’t work try disabling steam cloud, backing up save, and deleting the non-backup version in case the save is broken and the game can’t handle it.