• Aceticon@lemmy.world
    8 days ago

    Man you really skipped the whole “think strategically” core of my argument and went for accusing me of “dictating” to others, which exactly what you’ve been doing all this time telling others how to vote.

    Are you sure you aren’t a Trumpist? Because “one rule for thee another for me” is exactly how Trumpists think.

    As for the rest you’re just repeating what you’ve been told by the very people who want you to submit to their wishes and for you to push others to submit to their wishes: there’s a pretty basic rule in the world of IT Security (and security in general) which is when the people who tell you “this is who I am” and “this is how things are” are the very same who then go “do this for me”, you cannot trust a single word of what they told you about anything until independent proof because the entire picture you’ve made in your mind informing you if you should of not “do it for them” was fed to you by them hence might be a scam.

    So when a politician tells you “this is how things are, this is the kind of person I am, give me power and money, there are no other options”, you should throw the whole thing away (treat it as non-info until backed up by independent sources, which is not the same as treating as a falsehood) and try to build from the ground up your own picture of the situation and your options and then compare it with what they say, all with a lot of skepticism.

    Having done exactly that very exercise with regards to what the Democrats say, I quickly discovered that there are in fact other options and that the easiest and most likely to succeed in Stopping Trump is not the one they’re telling you “this is your only option”, it’s the one were the Democrat leadership moves towards the wishes of the electorate.

    The natural followup question is then “Why do they refuse to do what’s the easiest and most likely to succeed thing to do?” from where the most logical conclusion is that they have objectives which they have not told us about which they deem more important than Stop Trump.

    If they don’t care all that much about Stopping Trump and as you say Trump is a danger for the life of people like you, then they don’t care about your life.

    At that point add in that their refusal to budge is to do with them wanting to continue to enable a Genocide which is turning into a new Holocaust, and at the very least one must conclude that these people are not only acting with profound bad faith, they also do not have the kind of aversion to being an enabler of the mass murder of children which a normal human being who is not a sociopath has.

    This conclusion about their character is consistent with them not really caring about the life of people like you, hence why Stopping Trump is for them secondary to other undisclosed objectives of theirs, hence why they’re not actually pursuing the option with the highest chance of safely Stopping Trump.

    They’re shameless liars and sociopaths. Doesn’t it remind you of the morals of a certain carrot-colored populist?

    The way I see it, you can’t actually be sure that the Democrats are less dangerous to you and others than the Republicans. Sure, they have a different style of deceit (more hypocrite and less overt than the Republicans), which is really just a different kind of salesmanship and means nothing in terms of their morals and what they’ll actually do, and whilst they seem restrained by the need to appeal to a less hard-right electorate, the more they get away with not appealing to it and still getting power the less restrained they will be by that need and, guess what, that’s exactly the Future you are helping build.

    In summary: my point is not that you shouldn’t be voting in the way your heart decides, all things considered - absolutely it’s a though choice and as an European I’m privileged in this situation that I can stand by my Morals and be all Logical and Analytical about it with no fear. My point is that one thing is to make your own mind for yourself another is to be part of the swindle of people who are clearly sociopaths of the worst kind, who care for human just as little as Trump and whose only constraint on the evil of their actions is the fear of losing the part of their electorate who are not hard-right, mindless tribalists or useful idiots, and, guess what: what you’re doing is actively removing that fear of theirs, or in other words, taking away the one factor that stops them from acting in the most sociopathic ways.

    I’m sorry but the only way for the top Democrat politicians not being a massive danger for Americans and the rest of the World, is for them to be terrified of losing so much of the leftwing vote that they’ll not be getting any of the power and money they so covet for decades.

    The best possible outcome would be for them to barely make it by a minuscule margin, ideally requiring various vote recounts before they’re confirmed to have won and for most APAIC-supported Democrat congressmen to lose their seats and a deadlocked Congress. Even then, given that the Hilary Clinton debacle has taught nothing to the Democrat leadership, this might just ever so slightly slow down the increase in their sociopathy of their actions.

    People acting as you do aren’t helping that - the more they smell the naked fear of people like you the more they are confident they can do whatever the fuck they want no matter how evil and get away with it.