The three words “I Can’t Breathe” refer to what some police brutality victims, like George Floyd, Eric Garner and Manuel Ellis, said before their untimely deaths at the hands of law enforcement.

    11 months ago

    It’s like this… you know when you hear about some cop that has a history of violence that somehow escapes punishment right up until they kill someone? You know… like happens with alarming regularity?

    In every circumstance there were DOZENS of officers that kept quiet. There were DOZENS of people that refused to say anything, that would go as far as lying in open court about activities, in order to protect a fucking coworker.

    THAT is why all cops are bastards. They value being a cop and protecting cops more than they value PROTECTING AND SERVING THE PEOPLE THEY ARE BEING FUCKING PAID TO PROTECT AND SERVE.

    They are a gang. Every force, everywhere, no exceptions.

    Here’s a better idea than throwing millions upon billions at a bunch of sociopathic cunts that don’t care about anything but themselves… fire all of them and start paying social workers what they’re actually worth. Instead of an armed police force you have people that live within a given community that are trained in deescalation, that know how to handle people with mental health issues, that are FAR better at handling high stress situations than any cop ever has because social work is uncaring, unforgiving, underpaid shit work that you only do if you actually want to help people and that needs to fucking change.

    Defund the pigs and give their money to actual professionals.

      11 months ago

      What if you replaced the world police with doctors? It’s not fair to generalize an entire group of people, despite their occupation or any other creed. That being said, fuck any officer, supervisor or department who supports oppressing a marginalized group to benefit rich people. It happens alarmingly regularly in our country and we need to target the groups that spread it. Its not usually the case though-people join public safety jobs because they want to help people, but feel kept down by rules about reporting every decriminalized offense they see happen and getting in trouble when they don’t. I mean it about the hours too- when we were understaffed, I would work long shifts and my mental health deteriorated as a result to the point where I quit because I couldn’t respond to emergencies because of sleep deprivation. As for the court stuff, I agree that courts need to scrutinize police more. We need police reform but we can’t let it divide us- I implore you to listen to police and former police alongside marginalized groups for the facts.

        11 months ago

        Sure, don’t generalize cops.

        I’ll stop the moment they stop generalizing minorities, teenagers, and poor people.

        Until then, dick yourself in the mouth so I don’t have to fucking hear your dumb ass speak.


        Grandson of a former police chief that quit because he literally couldn’t fire enough people to de-shit the force he took over.