
(Caveat: IDK if the polling company is reliable.)

  • Allonzee@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I mean, that’s by design.

    Americans have been trained to see themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires from birth for half a century though oligarch captured public education and their for profit media. It’s quite useful, as those successfully deluded advocate against their own interests, like hating progressive taxation they’d benefit from as citizens, but would have to pay when, lol, they’re the rich ones at some undisclosed point in the future.

    It’s why we’re a bunch of rugged individuals at each other’s throats for oligarch scraps and are actively hostile towards the concept of ever being a society. So long as they’ve convinced us to fight one another hoping to beat our fellow citizens and “win,” as capitalism demands, we’ll never collectively demand equity.

    Fortunately for theoretical future generations born into this greed/exploitation trap, oligarch made climate change cannot be bribed, discredited, disappeared, cut in, or deluded into playing ball.

    Reality will assert itself, and quite violently going by the climate scientist’s projections and our species apparent lack of any sense of self preservation.