“We are raising funds to support a critical legal defense in the fight against unchecked corporate power and a system that continues to favor the few over everyone else. This case isn’t just about one individual—it’s about challenging a status quo that protects the interest of the powerful at the expense of justice and fairness,” read one of the fundraising pages that was quickly removed by GoFundMe.

  • CallateCoyote@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Violence is very unfortunately the only way the world ever changes substantially. We deify our own nations’ founders as legendary revolutionaries when they used violence as their primary tool. We understand why the French had their revolution. We root for the anti-heroes in films. But then I’m supposed to be silent when I see somebody finally taking action in a meaningful way against some greedy sociopathic pig? I’m supposed to be okay with platforms silencing me and telling me I’m wrong for thinking this way after decades of being beaten down by these types?

    Well, I’m not upset that CEO is dead. I like it. I hope somebody guns down another every week. Gives me a rock hard justice boner. And if speaking like this gets me banned from online social media then maybe it’s for the best. Spend way too much time on it anyways. Haha.