• Madison420@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    That’s just not true. We’ve had many many nuclear accidents just not many nation scale events.

    I’ll put it this way sl1 went prompt critical and skewered an operator to the ceiling with a control rod. And that’s just one.

    • Eheran@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Maybe comparing to experimental reactors from 70 years ago is not exactly relevant.

      • Madison420@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        It’s relevant. Hyperbole about nuclear energy isn’t helpful. Even counting every single low level nuclear accident throughout the history of the world it is still a better safety record than any other mass market means of power production.

        It’s not hyperbole, it’s accurate and it doesn’t try to lie by omission.

        Ed: Peach bottom wasn’t experimental and had a number of actual accidents and many near misses.

        Among the incidents cited by the NRC: security guards were overworked, one guard was found asleep on the job, 36,000 gallons of “mildly radioactive water” leaked into the Susquehanna River, PECO mislaid data on radioactive waste classification causing misclassification of a waste shipment, and a major fire occurred in the maintenance cage of the Unit 3 turbine building on March 4, 1987

        And that’s ignoring the dumpster fire called Hanford that we’ve been cleaning up for 30 fucking years at the cost of ≈200 billion dollars so far.

        My grandpa worked for the nrc and was called into both peach bottom and three mile, the amount of near misses that people will almost certainly never know about is quite a bit larger than you would assume.

        • pete_the_cat@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          These are mostly all people fucking up and not the structural integrity being breeched or the reactor running out of control.all things considered, they’re very safe if operated and monitored properly. The problem is that there is practically zero funding for nuclear power since the oil and gas industry has been lobbying against it and demonizing it in the public eye for decades.

          It’s the same as saying “cars are dangerous because people drive drunk or fall asleep at the wheel and cause accidents”. The tech isn’t the problem, it’s the people operating it.

          • Madison420@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            I’m well aware of the causes and I know they’re safe, I’ve both said that specifically and never implied otherwise. I know about lack of funding as well, in not sure your point in bringing it up either.

            Well aware, I’m not sure where you got the idea that I I’ve says anything at all about their safety aside from lies by omission do not benefit the argument for nuclear power.

    • pete_the_cat@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      That’s a “workplace accident” I’m talking about something affecting the surrounding community and the environment. Also, AFAIK humans shouldn’t be in the reactor chamber when it’s active regardless of the protection, especially when the reactor has a possibility to go critical at the drop of a hat. That’s just flat out dumb and was probably the result of poor management and decision making. There’s a reason that they’re operated remotely, you know.

      Of course bad shit happens on the job/internally, but that really has no adverse effects on anyone else, which is what most people care about.

      • Madison420@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        Yeah a workplace accident that irradiated the chamber, irradiated and impaled a guy to the ceiling and released radiation. Yeah the reason people aren’t intended to be inside anymore is because of sl1, every safety feature is written in blood, nuclear is no different.

        You don’t need to hedge, even including every accident in the history of earth three nuclear safety record is orders of magnitude better than any other means of power generation that’s gained mass acceptance.