I want to get a head start on the technique d’informatique college course i am going to take next (school) year, and i figured comptia A+ is as good a place as any to start.

The title is self-explanatory, but i would like to add i would much prefer a book than a video. I am fine with paying for it, but then it would have to be physical. Video recommendations are also welcome though, because they could help anyone else who is asking themselves the same thing.


Mods, please remove this if it isn’t open-ended enough

  • lordnikon@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    So I will tell you as a sys admin of more than 20 years A+ is a worthless cert i mean study for it for the info but it’s not worth the paper it’s printed on. At this point i search for job listing’s that require it to filter out jobs i don’t want. I have done interview loops for two FAANG companies and an A+ cert was never even looked at as a plus for a candidate.