Congressional staff say the mood inside the Capitol is tense, stifling and bewildering as members brush off their constituents’ outrage.

        11 months ago

        Thats how israel was created. Israel did that within living memory. That was how that nation came to be.

        I dont think being homophobic is overly relevant, tho, no? Being homophobic is not a reason to murder people.

        11 months ago

        Your homophobia aside, that’s exactly what the Israelis are doing. Also, strictly speaking, the conquering and elimination of a national government isn’t genocide. That requires the people to be murdered for being of that national origin. If they aren’t being murdered, there’s no genocide.

          11 months ago

          I’m sorry, what? My fucking “homophobia” for pointing out that people would be murdered for identifying as LGBTQ in a Muslim country?

          You know nothing of suffering and struggle, and I wouldn’t want you to anyways. You have far more privilege and opportunity than others who came before you, despite the economic and social oppression we’re facing today. You take your privilege and access to modern technology, and you use it to be a completely uninformed, uneducated bigot.

          People are thrown from rooftops in Muslim countries for being gay. And you have the fucking audacity to call me homophobic for pointing out that Muslims would kill LGBTQ people. You are every vile “snowflake” parody the rightwing says you are. You’re a fucking disgrace. Grow up.

            11 months ago

            I’m a Mexican-American atheist man who has sucked more dicks in my life than most women have. I live a couple miles from the bridge I slept under in the wintertime as a homeless kid because the Gospel Mission didn’t “take my kind”. I spent my days collecting enough bottles so I could buy a meal every day for my sister and I so we didn’t starve, because one day our mother decided she didn’t want to take care of us anymore and just left. So don’t you fucking dare strut around talking about how only you know what suffering is, you Zionist, genocidal, Muslim-hating, self-righteous piece of shit. You didn’t suffer through any shit countless other people have. The difference between you and I is that I didn’t let it turn me into a fucking shit stain of a human being.

              11 months ago

              Oh, we’re doing that now? Rejected by my family. Married to a bisexual. Trans. Have multiple genetic illnesses/disabilities. Long COVID. Pulled myself up by my own bootstraps.

              Anyways, I have worked in Muslim majority countries for projects and saw first-hand just what they’re like.

              I absolutely despise and hate fundamentalist Baptists who follow their holy book to the letter. And you know what else? I also absolutely despise and hate Muslims who follow their holy book to the letter.

              Islam isn’t a fucking ethnicity dipshit. It’s a religion. Just like that Gospel Mission that didn’t “take your kind”.

              You know nothing about Islam. Nothing about Muslim countries. And then you go around and call people you don’t even know homophobic for saying people with beliefs you don’t even know are homophobic. I could link to videos that would get me banned of gay people being executed and tortured by Muslims.

              You’re pathetic. The only positive thing you’re doing today is you’re someone for me to vent at and troll.

      11 months ago

      The Day of Judgment will not come until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say, ‘O Muslim, O servant of God, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.’ Only the Gharkad tree would not do that, because it is one of the trees of the Jews.

      A real hadith quote from Hamas’ founding charter, Article VII (1988)

      Let’s be totally real here, for most of their short history Hamas has been deeply committed to carrying out a genocide against the Jewish people for a mix of reasons including politics, religion and race. Over the last 4-5 years Hamas have made an effort to moderate their language around this topic, but judging by recent events they have done very little to moderate their actions and ideology.