From your pre-election anti-Biden post history I can’t tell if you’re womp womp is actually blaming Biden/Harris or if you’re calling out the anti-Biden/Harris crowd (which you were a vocal member of at least towards Biden before he dropped).
Guy seems to think the Dems put a gun to our head because they’re too ashamed to admit they pulled the trigger themselves. The DNC is not perfect, but make no mistake, the dumb voters put him in office.
Go ahead, keep blaming the voters and see if you ever win a vote that way. Or, you could realize that the entire job of the politician is to appeal to a voter and win their votes by adopting policy the voters want.
Go ahead. Keep believing the world is a special place for snowflakes like you. Keep imagining that your actions and inactions don’t have consequences to the rest of the world. Keep thinking that the system is here for your entertainment and that no one will take advantage of your naivite. You and your uneducated ilk caused this. The republicans did exactly as you said, then turned face and here we are. Satisfied?
Entertainment? Hell no I’m not entertained. You’re making a lot of assumptions about me. I voted for Harris. I did my part. Harris and the DNC failed to do their part in earning enough votes. Simple as that. Unlike you and the delusional DNC, my head isn’t in the sand and blaming the voters and expecting them to just fall in line. Take a step back for a minute, hell take nearly 4 years of you have to, and look at the situation. You might realize it will be easier to adapt to what voters want instead of trying to adapt the millions of voters to what you want. Stop digging in your heels and join the real world before it’s too late.
We all knew it was going to be Kamala or Trump no matter what. The last 3rd party candidate to win a single EV vote was Wallace in 1968. Ross Perot won like 19% of the popular vote and zero EC votes. Across the entirety of all state and federal legislative offices, fewer than 1% are held by 3rd party candidates. Third party isn’t happening without electoral reform, and you won’t get that by losing elections. The voters and non-voters collectively put Trump in office.
Thanks Biden/Harris. womp womp.
From your pre-election anti-Biden post history I can’t tell if you’re womp womp is actually blaming Biden/Harris or if you’re calling out the anti-Biden/Harris crowd (which you were a vocal member of at least towards Biden before he dropped).
This one. They were never going to win. The DNC screwed us over.
Edit: saving you a click
Womp womp indeed, but not even remotely for the reasons you intended.
Guy seems to think the Dems put a gun to our head because they’re too ashamed to admit they pulled the trigger themselves. The DNC is not perfect, but make no mistake, the dumb voters put him in office.
Go ahead, keep blaming the voters and see if you ever win a vote that way. Or, you could realize that the entire job of the politician is to appeal to a voter and win their votes by adopting policy the voters want.
Go ahead. Keep believing the world is a special place for snowflakes like you. Keep imagining that your actions and inactions don’t have consequences to the rest of the world. Keep thinking that the system is here for your entertainment and that no one will take advantage of your naivite. You and your uneducated ilk caused this. The republicans did exactly as you said, then turned face and here we are. Satisfied?
Entertainment? Hell no I’m not entertained. You’re making a lot of assumptions about me. I voted for Harris. I did my part. Harris and the DNC failed to do their part in earning enough votes. Simple as that. Unlike you and the delusional DNC, my head isn’t in the sand and blaming the voters and expecting them to just fall in line. Take a step back for a minute, hell take nearly 4 years of you have to, and look at the situation. You might realize it will be easier to adapt to what voters want instead of trying to adapt the millions of voters to what you want. Stop digging in your heels and join the real world before it’s too late.
Biden Harris deserve 100% of the blame for this.
Keep on keepin on against the cold hard face of reality.
I’m sorry to say but blaming voters for 2024 is fully detached from reality. Just like the rest of Democrats.
^ This, but louder.
We all knew it was going to be Kamala or Trump no matter what. The last 3rd party candidate to win a single EV vote was Wallace in 1968. Ross Perot won like 19% of the popular vote and zero EC votes. Across the entirety of all state and federal legislative offices, fewer than 1% are held by 3rd party candidates. Third party isn’t happening without electoral reform, and you won’t get that by losing elections. The voters and non-voters collectively put Trump in office.
You want reality to be something other than it was.
Democrats put Trump into office with their intentional and abysmal approach to electoralism.
Blaming the voter is like a basketball player blaming the court. The players decide entirely how to respond to it