ID: Photo of a pink felt heart on a slightly paler pink background, overlaying is stylised text: “make the world a better place punch a nazi in their face”
ID: Photo of a pink felt heart on a slightly paler pink background, overlaying is stylised text: “make the world a better place punch a nazi in their face”
They didn’t reason themselves into fascism they’re not going to reason their way out either.
well, most of them do. they are often fed false info, get preached bullshit (racism, etc) “reasoning” and yeah, they fall for it. but the only way out for them is people taking them (and their thoughts) seriously, taking them by the (proverbial) hand and leading them back
Good luck with that, liberal.
yay, name-calling ftw
“I want to round your kind up into camps”
“Oh honey no, that’s mean we can’t do that” -you