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cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/56577168
I hope we all survive this Trump bullshit without becoming vassals of the blyats and Pooh.
If you could only reason with unreasonable people .
If all it took was a UN letter to the manager, we wouldn’t be in this position. Laws without enforcement are called wishes.
“must”, … or what??
Pretentious idiocy.
Mental-rabies NEEDS to be dealt-with AS mental-rabies.
Ideology/prejudice/“religion” which prohibits objectivity, & is identity-anchor, HAS to be dealt-with as functionally subhuman: mere-animal mind/determination,
because it IS mere-animal mind: the imprint->reaction mind of unreasoning herdbeasts, of unreasoning pack-animals.
Continuing to pretend that ideology/prejudice/“religion”'s programming is “reasonable” & reason-WITH-able, … is simply us making ourselves into helpers of their slaughtering our own children: it is outright criminality.
Churchill, who simultaneously was prejudiced-scum who enforced lots of needless destruction-of-life in India AND he was the guy who held the West together during WW2
( I’m fed-up with ideology’s “people are either all-good or all-bad, and OUR people are all-good, and OTHER people are all-bad” prejudice…
Hans Reiser was a murder of his own wife, but ReiserFS was a good filesystem which committed no crime.
The founder of Ikea was a Nazi-party member years before, but his Ikea has done great good in our world, for people like college students & young families.
Musk’s 5 stages of engineering, which most get in the wrong-order, with Remove Dumb Requirements 1st, iirc Delete Unnecessary Parts & Processes is 2nd, Simplify & Clarify is 3rd? then Accelerate, then last is Automate, … is 1 of the most-important gifts the ENTIRE engineering-field has ever gotten, & yes, he is a physical tech genius, AND he is a flagrant Nazi fascist, & absolute enemy of civil-rights.
People who intentionally side with evil can have done some right-things:
ideology’s oversimplification isn’t what Universe sees, & therefore it isn’t what G-D sees, either.
It’s why we now use Nazi-design shaped protective hats for our military people: that-design protects-lives better.
As the USMC’s rule says: take their technology, not their doctrine. ( & that requires having the integrity+intelligence to differentiate between the 2, doesn’t it? )
( that rule is from “Corps Business: the 30 Management Principles of the US Marines” by David H. Freedman, a senior-Forbes-editor who directly asked the USMC if he could immerse himself among them, learn all he could, & write a book about it… Why did the USMC agree? because they figured they could actually learn something, & that’s leverage! ) )
Anyways, as Churchill identified, there is zero point in arguing-with, or reasoning-with, either drunks or fanatics.
More-properly-resolved, it is the imprint->reaction mind that there isn’t any point in treating as “rational”.
Kahneman1 mind ( lower-forebrain, ttbomk ).
IF someone demonstrates that they’re solidly within imprint->reaction mind, disallowing/ignoring/denying evidence, correct-reasoning, etc, THEN accept that, deal-with that, & treat them as incapable-of-rationality human-shaped-animals.
Suspending that decision endlessly, helps them to slaughter our lives.
& I’m fed-up with pretending otherwise being treated as “the only valid position”.
To be honest, I don’t expect much of humankind to survive the next-century, if any does, simply because pretending/ignoring/denying is sooo fundamentally preferred to actual-honesty/objectivity.
“Actions speak louder than words” people say … but “words are more valid than actions” is what our “journalism” and our “governing” and our pseudo-accountability and our legal-systems etc all enforce/“prove”/enact.
Only when there are nearly-no-human-lives-left will that be force-changed??
Too bad for the future-generations, but that’s our-generation’s determination, isn’t it?
Better to murder-off all their future-lives, than to have spine/integrity now?
sickening, repugnant, but … proudly-committed-by-many, now.
“Accelerationists”, especially.
they “must” do this, or that … OR WHAT??
FORCE consequences, morons, or allow them to slaughter us all.
“governing”, my arse.
Occupying-authority-while-NOT-governing, more like.
Accountability-repellent seems to be what political-authority is made-of??
_ /\ _
PS: I’m not advocating-for what the ideologues do, I’m advocating for accepting that at the individual level, IF an individual demonstrates that they are immune-to-reason, THEN treat that-individual as immune-to-reason.
the ideologues judge people as mere-animal if they’re outside-of-the-ideologues’-IDENTITY, & that’s a pre-judging mechanism, not an objective-judging-based-on-actual-behavior basis.
The Hamas programming that Jews cannot be human, the Zionist programming that Palestinians cannot be human, etc, that is the pre-judging that I’m calling mental-rabies.
There ARE people, of my nationality, & yours, who war against considered-reasoning ( upper-forebrain, ttbomk ), trying to enforce imprint->reaction’s totalitarian dominion.
The Catholic inquisition tried, for centuries, to murder its way to unquestioning-lordhood, the “Christian” nationalists are working on recreating that kind of animal-human totalitarian dominion in the US of A right now.
ALL the Abrahamic-religions, ALL the Dharmic-religions ( of India ), ALL kinds of Indigenous religions, fundamentalist-atheism, physicalism-existentialism, ANY paradigm can be converted into an imprint->reaction ideology,
AND any religion can be held to be a considered-reasoning religion, by humans.
It ISN’T which “label” a person is wearing, it is their behavior which need be judged, & treated-as-it-actually-is.
( I realized after writing that people were going to perhaps-intentionally misinterpret it to claim that I’m just gaslighting, just pushing ideology while pretending to stand counter to ideology, simply because I hadn’t identified that it is individual behavior which shows the real truth.
Hopefully, that’s fixed, now, clearly-enough. : )
What’s a Warm Onger?
Typo. Perhaps they meant a warm onager.
That makes more sense. We have all heard of wild Asian asses advocating for a NWO. Warm ones are particularly aggressive.
Expected siege engine; was disappointed.
I mean, you could employ them siege weapons. If you have enough of them. An an imagination.
Could give him a wee coat, especially if it’s going to be cold overnight :3