• shalafi@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    The issue is indeed fucked, but imma NIMBY this one.

    Nuclear reactor in my backyard? Go for it, I understand the risks, and lack thereof. Prison? Fine by me.

    Homeless people in my hood? Hard no. And anyone says different hasn’t known or been around homeless people. Only time I consistently carry a pistol is downtown. I’d be hard pressed to pull it, but still…

    Many, many are blameless. But fuck me. If you can’t figure out a way to get a roof over your head in America, you’re kind of a fuck up. And I know that statement will piss people off, but if pissed off, how many homeless have you personally known? They’re almost all fuck ups, and not the kind you want around your home.

    And yes, I’ve been that desperate, that out of options. Spent a night or two in the woods and under a bridge. Jail would be far preferable. And some take that option.

    It’s clearly cheaper to just provide housing. But where?! Are we going to build concentration camps in the boondocks? And not my boondocks thank you very much. I approach my camp every weekend with a pistol in hand for two reasons; 2 or 4-legged crazy animals have set up camp and think it’s theirs.

    Mental health care? Again, have you ever met or personally known homeless folks? They will NOT willingly go for help. I got stories. We going to force them into hospitals? Hell, if so, let’s just cut to the chase and build concentration camps.

    Lotta sick people walking the streets. And I ain’t got answers. And if anyone gives you a simple answer? That person is ignorant at best, or more probably an asshole.

    Best I got for Americans? Some sort of universal health care. Devil and details and all, but my ex-wife, while training in the hood for her RN, talked of men throwing themselves in front of cars on freezing nights. Free ride to the ER. Yeah. We’re that fucked up.