The rulings in Maryland and Oregon come amid a shifting legal landscape in the wake of a Supreme Court decision that has imposed new limits on gun regulation.

In the wake of a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision last year that significantly limits what the government can do to restrict guns, states led by Democrats have scrambled to circumvent or test the limits of the ruling. A few have approved new gun restrictions. Oregon even passed a ballot initiative to ban high-capacity ammunition magazines.

But this week, supporters of the new gun measures suffered a pair of setbacks, underscoring the rippling effect of the court’s decision.

On Tuesday, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Richmond, Va., ruled that a 10-year-old Maryland law related to licensing requirements for handguns was unconstitutional.

      10 months ago

      Putting words in my mouth? I never said anything about abortion. But fwiw, I’m against banning abortion too. I hate how everyone assumes I’m a braindead conservative when I give the slightest hint that I’m pro-gun (even sensibly).

        10 months ago

        Suggesting licensing and then saying you’re a gun owner makes me feel like you own a red rider or you’re completely ignorant of what licensing would be used to keep people from exercising their rights… mainly would be used against minorities as it has been in the past.

          10 months ago

          Cool so I guess we should just do nothing then, huh?

          The reasons I am for licensing is that I want people to be able to keep their guns and preserve the right to self defense, but you’re an idiot if you don’t think gun violence is a problem that needs attention. Licensing will (ideally) help to prevent gun misuse, bring stronger repercussions to those who are irresponsible with firearms, and overall keep things in check. I am aware that restrictions can be used to keep certain people from exercising their rights… and that is an issue, but surprise, conservatives have been doing that too (saw an article about it today, forgot which city / state it was, but basically they were preventing lefties from owning guns). We’re in deep shit with how many guns are in the US and bans are obviously not going to work. So if licensing isn’t the play, then what the fuck do you suggest, Mr. know-it-all?

            10 months ago

            Licensing is not going to fix our gun violence. It’s not going to solve anything you just listed, which also has a very small death rate. 2/3rds of our gun deaths a year are suicides, that last 3rd makes up everything else. 85%+ of that last 3rd is gang and drug violence…and that last 15% includes, domestic, police, NDs, mass shootings and everything else. If we really want to solve our violence issue we need to fix our society. We can start with:

            • Single payer healthcare

            • Ending the War on Drugs

            • Ending Qualified immunity

            • Properly funding our schools and not just rich white suburb schools.

            • Build more schools and hire more teachers for proper pay so the class room sizes aren’t 30-40 kids for one teacher.

            • UBI (at least start talking about it) once AI takes over most of the blue collar jobs.

            • End for profit prisons

            • Enforce the laws already on the books

            • Make sure there are safety nets for poor families so the kids don’t turn to violence/gangs to survive.

            • Increase the minimum wage

            • Recreate our mental healthcare so kids don’t turn to the internet for support. And to help veterans not end up as a suicide number.

            • Actively make a law to solidify Pro-choice rights. More unwanted children do not help our situation.

            • Banning Insider Trading for Congress

            • Term limits

            • Ranked Choice Voting so we can move away from a 2 party system

              10 months ago

              Oh sure, gun deaths aren’t a problem as long as they’re suicides or gang violence.

              Do you realize how dumb that is? It’s all part of the same problem: access to and misuse of firearms.

              Those lives matter and minimizing them as you’ve done is awful.