• LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    okay but the problem with teaching pretty much anything in schools is that the kids don’t care, they don’t want to be there, they don’t care about the subject matter, and how are you going to fit all of the world’s religions into an elementary school class? And expect the kids to care or comprehend it?

    I vaguely remember the Mormons briefly being mentioned in a history textbook in high school. maybe one paragraph in the whole textbook. It barely scratched the surface and I would not have remembered it at all if the Mormons hadn’t sucked me in & warped my brain for a decade in my 20s.

    • Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
      7 months ago

      Kids don’t want to be there or learn most of the stuff being taught. Somehow we manage

    • SorryQuick@lemmy.ca
      7 months ago

      In Quebec we have a course like that in grade 4 of high school (~15 years old). I certaintly didn’t care, hated everything religious back then. But now if you ask me what the Torah is, somehow I remember it’s the Jewish bible.

      It wasn’t about “all the world’s religions” really, but only the big 5, which we’d spend a fifth of the school year on each. I’d say that’s acceptable and despite being an atheist, I’m still glad I got that course. Now if we could have had an economy course instead of poetry…